Category: blog


This is Roberta from Swallow, another new skin from Skin Fair. First let me say that I am wearing freckles that do not come with this skin. You can see a clean shot of Roberta at the end of this post. I added them for the simple reason that this skin does not come with any tattoo options. It comes… Read more →


This is Aeryn, new from PXL at Skin Fair. Way back when, I used to wear and blog PXL from time-to-time so it’s great to see Hart still creating. Aeryn comes in 4 separate makeups in your chosen tone with several options for freckles, moles, eyebrows and also included, SweetLips applier for your tone in the pack. I have not… Read more →

Life begins outside your comfort zone

Or so they say… I have to say I don’t feel like “me” here. But that’s OK. I’m stretching a bit; trying new things. In this case, the new “thing” is Egozy’s Hyolee in the pale tone (that isn’t very pale). Exotic, sultry and quite lovely. I didn’t look at many ads for Skin Affair in advance so I was… Read more →

She wore lemon

This is AtiK “Doria,” new at Skin Fair. First time wearer and I think her face is very sweet. She only came with 2 versions, one with cleavage and one without. It also came with appliers for Slink hands and feet but there are no Maitreya Lara appliers available that I could see at the event or the main store.… Read more →

Lighten up!

So I am still working through all the skins from Skin Fair. I have been introduced to some great new to me brands and had good fun trying different looks. One thing that keeps coming up though, is tones. I wear mostly light to very light tones. I found a major issue with many of the skins that I otherwise… Read more →


And now for something completely different… There’s a western inspired collection out at Overhigh made up of everything from hats to skirts to ponchos and cloaks. The whole collection is quite good and I’m showing a few pieces here. This skirt type was really popular last fall when both Burberry showed a line of Prorsum ponchos on all the celebrities. It’s… Read more →


When you’re trying on skins, you actually want to see what they look like. When it’s not a brand you’re familiar with, this is the most important thing. While grabbing a bazillion demos at Skin Fair, I am trying – most for the first time – skins from brands I do not own. I want to see what each one… Read more →

Skin Fair

I remember Skin Fair from way back when. Probably different organizers now, I really don’t know. Anywayyyyy, in classic Gillian style, I rushed in and out. I picked up 1000 demos (I only know because my inventory went up by a huge amount) and purchased a few of my “sure things” from Glam Affair, The Skinnery and Belleza. By now,… Read more →


I coveted this hat from the moment I saw it. The perfect cloche ladies hat in a delicate cream. I am a diehard Downton Abbey fan, so this was not an option not to have. I miss Sybil :/ I did not style it in period 1920s obviously. And normally you would see a tighter hair underneath, but I wanted… Read more →

Then and Now

Thanks to Strawberry for showing us how far we have all come in her First & Recent challenge! Unfortunately I lost all my old blog posts from 2006-2008 when this site went down for all those years. I can still see some of them in the archives of Google but I can’t easily access them and all the photos are… Read more →

Never go out of style

There really are items we wear – in both lives – that never go out of style. A well made, tailored piece of clothing – or in SL, a well textured, original piece – never goes out of style no matter the decade or century it’s modeled after! Even from far away you can tell The Secret Store has done… Read more →


I mentioned in an earlier post that I am totally unfamiliar with the TV series Twin Peaks. I understand it’s coming back to Showtime next year, so maybe I will get a taste then. Admittedly, I am confused by the theme at this round of Collabor88, but only because I have no context. One thing I am never confused about… Read more →

Down down the rabbit hole

I was inspired by this sweet, whimsical bag from yumyums and decided it made me feel a bit like Alice…but in some kind of Victorian twist on the tale.   .   And in keeping with things that are slightly left of center, I bring you Watson, my owl. I honestly don’t know a thing about the show Twin Peaks,… Read more →

Over the Top

Sometimes when I go too traditional (in either life), I need to shake things up, go a little overboard, be over the top. But still be me. I mixed some bold hairs with some of the newness at Maitreya, who released dresses, tops and skirts just for the Maitreya Lara mesh body. Rawr! Pink glitter is so overpowered.   The… Read more →