August slipped away like a bottle of wine. DeuxLooks celebrates – and mourns – the end of summer that came in and out like a ghost. Read more →

August slipped away like a bottle of wine. DeuxLooks celebrates – and mourns – the end of summer that came in and out like a ghost. Read more →
DeuxLooks gets all dressed up in love for headbands and new BoM skins in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks is apparently fashionably late for the LeLutka Ryn party in Second Life. But shes here now. Let’s go! Read more →
I needed a serious pick me up so I turned to makeup shopping IRL (never fails) and a particularly bright look in SL. I especially love my new hair from Elikatira available @TheEpiphany. I’m wearing it in my favorite “seashell” <3 I’m also wearing a rather short blazer dress that I bought because of the beautiful burnt orange color. It’s… Read more →
I most definitely made very merry over the Christmas holiday, and hope you did too. We actually had a real life white Christmas here in Boston. Illusive and often wished for, in reality it was a pain to get around in! But still, it looks beautiful now that Christmas is behind us. I am back to work IRL today but… Read more →
I’ve been a little bit on a roll blogging lately. I’m really enjoying one or two new items here and there, while revisiting older inventory. It really makes blogging more fun – and Lord knows, we all need to find fun. I recently discovered that Mudskin has what I assume is a sale going on, because every single LeLutka applier… Read more →
“Rabbit, Rabbit” for good luck on any new month. Double good luck for the New Year! One of the things I am going to try in this New Year is to spend less time futzing with my blog posts. That is, taking a million snapshots and then writing a ton for every post. I don’t know if it will stick… Read more →
…but my shopping list is long! I haven’t had much time to spend in Second Life but I do have an enviable list of beautiful items to post. Starting with the new LeLutka applier from Glam Affair. I fell in love with Debby’s bold brows and fresh face. There are also gorgeous lip colors available, though I like the natural… Read more →
You know when things feel just right? I’m celebrating those moments in weekend style when everything I wanted to create worked out almost effortlessly, thanks to the artists of Second Life. I am really loving all the simple, tailored shorts and trousers, relaxed fits, and effortless summer style the season affords us. More isn’t always more when it comes to… Read more →
I am going to keep this very short because I feel like fewer words better represents my headspace right now. There’s a lot going on in our world, and I find myself introspective, worried, and somewhat emotional in the wake of so much sadness. But fashion is very therapeutic for me and love is love is love! Anywayyyyyy, I have… Read more →
I was supposed to be leaving for England and Amsterdam this coming Sunday but illness will more than likely keep me home. It’s been a rough winter in terms of getting sick constantly, but hey, Spring is on the way or so I hear. Trips not taken… While I usually kvetch about The Arcade every season, I will say that… Read more →
I don’t hate Valentine’s Day. It’s a great day to love yourself and feel beautiful, regardless of relationship status. Wear pink or red, or don’t. Better yet, do whatever makes you happy on whatever day you want! Enjoy your Valentine’s but more importantly, enjoy your day! xoxo Read more →
I recently raved about the new mesh heads and appliers from Fiore, released at the end of the year. To my delight, the brand released another, completely different applier, Jing, available in 3 tones to work with all five Fiore head shapes. It’s no secret I love Asian skins, mesh heads, and now, appliers. It’s remarkable to me how different… Read more →
I don’t know about anyone else but at the moment I am truly on the scramble to start (!!!111) holiday shopping. Once I go on official holiday next Thursday for the rest of the year, I expect to be living on the streets trying to scramble to get everything I need for Christmas. As the youngest child of a mixed… Read more →
The new series of Lip Potions from The Skinnery are right up my beauty alley. Firstly, I love the word “potion.” Secondly, the rich colors are just gorgeous. Who doesn’t love a matte lip in fall or winter? Yum. The newest version of Lip Potions are exclusively for Catwa mesh heads, available at The Chapter Four. I was so inspired… Read more →