DeuxLooks go back in time thanks to LeLutka’s Gaia head in Second Life. Read more →

DeuxLooks go back in time thanks to LeLutka’s Gaia head in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks admits to being mostly off duty in SL and IRL and her style proves it. Read more →
This is the end of summer for DeuxLooks in Second Life but the beginning of the Fall layering season. Read more →
DeuxLooks states a basic truth and styles a classic neutral look that brings the blogger back to her roots in Second Life fashion Read more →
In case it wasn’t abundantly clear before today, I wanted to make sure everyone is aware that the [LeLutka] bot is back. I always know when I reach that old familiar bot status when I start to get comments from people about wanting to see me blog other heads from time-to-time. I’m not sure that I can right now…check back… Read more →
I am sick (in May!) so I am feverish and completely forgot that C88 opened today (yesterday by the time I post this). I did check out the inventory though, and I am happy to say that most of what I am interested in are skins and accessories. I have SO MANY great things to blog (including this fresh peach… Read more →
DeuxLooks gets her shop on in Second Life when she should be Christmas shopping for friends and family IRL! Read more →
Welcome to the weekend. I’m still here. Still shopping, still blogging. It may be harder for me to put together the looks I favor because my aesthetic isn’t always in line with what the masses buy in Second Life, but I cherish all the styles that do from all the creators who make them. So here’s a favorite Friday look,… Read more →
Late summer is my favorite time of the summer months. The nights are so crisp – foreshadowing what’s probably only weeks away; and the days are still so warm but you can feel the sun receding slightly. It’s just less extreme. I spent the weekend down at my parents’ house on the beach – which is pretty much heaven –… Read more →
I am starting out this back-to-work Monday in a completely non-work appropriate dress. It’s opposite day in my world! A couple notes you may care about: There was no demo for this dress when I visited The Trunk Show. Hopefully there is now. Definitely demo! This dress doesn’t “move” very well and is really best suited for still poses IMO.… Read more →
This is Jumo, a skin brand I have never heard of or seen before. I found the “Brooklin” skin at Skin Fair, of course. I was flying by, doing another sweep of the South Sim during the press preview and floated by an ad on the side of a building that caught my attention. That almost never happens. You know… Read more →
You know how I said I wasn’t that inspired and in general, I wasn’t finding much inspiring me inside SL fashion? Be careful what you wish for. This gown from Belle Epoque is incredibly inspiring from every angle. More Snow White & the Huntsman than everyday SL layercake gown, I absolutely adore it. I mean, how could I resist? My… Read more →
I went crazy for this sheer, bias cut skirt from fashionably dead. And I do mean crazy because there is no fatpack option for it (or any of the other inventory) at all! So, I scooped up my most likely to reuse colors, knowing full well I had left some great ones on the table. I don’t know why some… Read more →
Apologies, no time to talk today. Just a peek at a delicately pretty look that I thought was a pleasing mix of textures and tones. Incidentally, I haven’t worn a Laura Hurley skin in so long, but I fell right back in step, even with a skin that was created especially for Stella (I loved Stella) at least a year… Read more →
From far away, it may look like I have put together another nude/beige (which isn’t boring!) look. But on closer inspection, it’s actually a study in Level of Detail. Special mention must be paid to my top and heels, both courtesy of this month’s Luxe Box. The delicately-tied Rowne top has a level of detail that shows every stitch of… Read more →