A serious pick me up

DeuxLooks - a serious pick me up

I needed a serious pick me up so I turned to makeup shopping IRL (never fails) and a particularly bright look in SL. I especially love my new hair from Elikatira available @TheEpiphany. I’m wearing it in my favorite “seashell” <3

DeuxLooks - a serious pick me up

I’m also wearing a rather short blazer dress that I bought because of the beautiful burnt orange color. It’s shockingly bright in contrast to my delicate, white stockings and very pale skin.

Speaking of which, my skin is new from Pepe Skins. I have no idea what head the ad shows (but would like to know) but I’m wearing this Omega skin on a LAQ head. I am quite sure based on the fit issues around the nose, ears and neck, that this was not made with LAQ in mind. That said, I do very much like it on mine.
