Category: blog

Old world

More from the fantastic Shiny Shabby event, which I have already gushed over. More beautiful items that can be styled so many ways. Mmmmm I love the softness of this beautiful set by UFO. I will be going back for more colors because the texturing is exquisite. I love when something is not overdone but so obviously made with great… Read more →

Shiny Shabby

It did not disappoint. One of the best – I think actually the best – event I have been to since my return to SL. So much to love, so much to take in. It will definitely take multiple trips for me to see it all. I tend to rush in and rush out when a sim is so packed.… Read more →

Fantasy…or something else

Whatever you call it, The Fantasy Collective opened today and was packed. I don’t typically explore the fantasy side of SL – probably because I happen to play two (!!) fantasy MMOs so I get my fill there. However, I had seen this dress earlier in the day and knew it was something I would love. It’s a perfect combination… Read more →

Appreciate. Express. Express. Appreciate.

For any of you who remember me from when I was deep in the blogosphere, I used to blog Last Call’s (and other well known designers) designs. I was always very careful to not put them on my blog too early – especially from artists as popular as Last Call, ETD, Maitreya, Celestial Studios, etc were/are. For one thing, if… Read more →


I have been listening non-stop to Maroon 5’s “Sugar.” Roslin put out a sugary-sweet version of her Temptress Bodysuit for FLF at Luxuria. It fits with the song so well. The back is so sexy. The front is so sweet. Read more →

That one thing…

I think we all understand building a look around one piece only. We have something in mind we must wear; and we can spend daysssss, weeks, etc. (and a lot of money) trying to build just the right look around it. Because whatever it is speaks to us. IRL I recently did this with a pageboy cap I bought (I… Read more →


I feel like a real bookworm sometimes. I’d rather get cozy with a book…than just about anything else (ok, not anything else). Today is my last day at home before braving the mountains of snow to get back into my office. It’s been so difficult to get anywhere in Boston because you can’t see around any corners, let alone share… Read more →

Yes please

I saw these shoes when I first went to Feb L’accessoires but I skipped them the first time through because I normally look for shoes for my various mesh bodies. Of course, it was somehow lost on me that with the socks attached, I didn’t need to worry about feet at all! On my second pass through (am I the… Read more →

It does say “basic”

This little ensemble is called “Basic Coat Outfit.” Quite cute even though there’s not much to it. After all, it does say basic on the ad. I bought it because there’s something to be said for basic. A palette you can build off of if you choose.  Navy and grey has always been one of my favorite combos so I… Read more →

All the girls love Alice

I don’t see my Alice kick ending anytime soon. I really wanted these boots, which come with the riding pants, and then I decided to wear both. I am a rider in my real life, with one very special horse I have had nearly his whole life (and mine!). I don’t typically wear my breeches and boots out for style’s… Read more →

Someone once said

If your hair is done properly and you have on good shoes, you can get away with anything. Lelutka released new hairs and they are versatile, beautiful and realistic. This one is Aaliyah, one of numerous new color offerings and packagings that include both roots and fades, as well as the base color (finally a pack you don’t have to… Read more →

Go ask Alice

I happen to love the name Alice. It is my Grandmother’s name and I love and miss her every day. She was incredibly beautiful and stylish, with shoes and a bag for literally every occasion. Until her dying day, she was style personified. She very much believed her presentation said much about who she was as a woman. Read more →

Devil’s in the details

If you spend time really looking at what you’re wearing in SL, it’s remarkable the level of detail and realism you can find. I spent some time doing that with this dress from Lumiere, which at first blush is a pretty, delicate lace fitted dress. But there’s a lot more to it when you dig in. Read more →


IRL we all want to stay young looking, right? I know I obsess about this and buy all sorts of skin care and see all kinds of specialists that will aid in fighting off age when it comes. But in Second Life, I feel strange looking too young if that makes sense at all. I love trying all kinds of… Read more →

Oliver Twist(ed)

This outfit is slightly Oliver Twist inspired, but with a twist of red you could say. I loved the newsboy pants from Fashionably Dead and wanted to include something a little more unexpected. I dug around in my “new but not used” inventory and found this great hair from Olive, that I believe was a FLF offering around Christmas. Read more →