Category: blog

Opening Day

In Boston, Opening Day is a rite of passage for any Bostonian. Yes, we love the Patriots, but Boston is still Red Sox country. It’s going to be glorious today – very warm and perfectly sunny so I’m especially happy. I won’t be attending the game but I am inspired to dress just as the weather dictates and keep my… Read more →

Sweet Treat

I am wearing the new face from The Skinnery, Hilde, available at The Seasons Story. I love how every face is incredibly distinct and striking, with natural brows and contoured cheeks. One of my favorite skinners in SL to be sure. To date, my favorites are Blair, Julie and Cristy, although honestly I wear every Skinnery face I have very… Read more →


There is just so much out right now that a serial shopper can easily become overwhelmed…or homeless. There’s especially some great items, if like me, you can’t resist a pretty bow. The first dress is perfect mint from Cocoroni. This is only a gacha item and comes only in your choice of XXS, XS, or S, so fit can be… Read more →


The Seasons Story opened today and for me, much like Shiny Shabby, it’s just one of those events I save up for. When I came back to SL last fall, this was the first event I went to and fell in love with. The theme this spring is The Shire and for me, there is nothing more perfect. I have… Read more →

Signs of Spring

Some of my favorite new skins/makeups for Spring! All so different, all so pretty. From left to right: Mudksin’s new Lovely Bell; Glam Affair’s new Katra makeups; and Belleza’s new Beth full release. My dress is from a new to me brand, Breathe. There’s a release of this simple sheath dress that comes in a host of springy colors at… Read more →

Dressing Down

How people dress on their down days is pretty interesting. I mean, if you think about it, it’s easy to “dress up” when you have say, a set dress, pair of shoes and jewelry in a ready made look. It’s when we have time off – and can dress however we want – that often really shows a style preference.… Read more →

Two Faced

While I was trying on this lovely new Moth Wings Necklace from Ane @ We <3 RP, I decided to do a little experiment. It’s no secret I have grown very fond of my new LeLutka mesh heads despite my worries, but I was beginning to miss the customizations with my “own” head and all the wonderful items that we… Read more →

Happiness is…

…a good hair day. There are droughts we go through in SL fashion depending on what designers are putting out. For me, around Shiny Shabby, I had a dearth of new hair to wear other than 2-3 that I loved, but plenty of amazing new clothes. Now, I find that I have more hair than I know what to do… Read more →

Wish List

This piece from Enfant Terrible is dreamy in terms of texture, color and gorgeous detail. It’s clearly sexy and almost fantasy-like from the front. But, it doesn’t cover my breasts completely (wearing a mesh body) so it’s not something I will just wear around casually. It’s beautiful for photos, of course. It got me thinking about some of the things… Read more →

Great Expectations

My cute hair which I forgot to pose with my hair roundup yesterday is from Olive. The paintbrushes have an on/off hud, although mine was not working for me. I wouldn’t want to hide them anyway because they are very sweet. This morning I went back and grabbed redelivery of my LeLutka mesh heads, so I could start fresh with… Read more →

My Loot

Friday was soooo warm in Boston FINALLY. I spent most of the day nowhere near my computer with a much needed day off! I did manage to drop by the Xiasumi School Festival and grab some loot in the morning. I mostly got some cute hairs, which I am quite happy with. I found it a little hard to get… Read more →

Wicked short

As we say in Boston, these dresses are wicked shaht!! That’s actually “short” outside of Boston 🙂 I don’t know about anyone else, but I definitely cannot get away with wearing short skirts like this outside of my own house IRL. I do love them in SL, though! I had a bunch of different snapshots ready with more detail, but… Read more →

Well then…

A raw shot, right from SL. My first look at the LeLutka mesh heads – and “Ever” specifically. It will take a lot of getting used to, but as I thought from seeing all the beautiful shots from some of my favorite bloggers and many on Flickr, the heads are masterful. I am also wearing makeup and lip color appliers… Read more →


Fameshed is open and there is a very wide range of items available. A few of my favorites include this leather dress from Emery, shoes from Just Design and necklace from Cae. I rarely wear tattoos but I really like this one from Pervette available at Cosmopolitan. Unfortunately you can’t see the crow holding the rosary here, but it’s very… Read more →


The Birdy collection of brands launched their new sim, Sleepy, and with it, new skins and apparel from Birdy and Foxes (Alchemy was still under construction). Below is Sienna, one of the three new skins available and my favorite. There is also a group gift skin for Sleepy VIPs. Most of the group gifts cost $1L, and the group fee… Read more →