Tag: Hair Fair

Looking Back

Lately I’ve been looking back. Looking back at my fave LeLutka head of all time: Korina. Korina is one of the old line of LeLutka bento heads no longer supported/innovated on. If I am right, Korina is now two full generations behind. It’s obviously not Evo-X, which has clearly usurped Evolution (much to the annoyance of Zora and other Evo… Read more →

What’s on the list?

These days I am usually so short on time that I find it easier to make a list of things that I’m interested in checking out in-world before I log on. Of course this week is even busier because Hair Fair 2019 is imminent! Important: you can try on all the demos from Hair Fair by joining the Demo Group.… Read more →

Hair Fair 2018: DeuxLooks Top Ten

You all are going to go absolutely crazytown at Hair Fair 2018. I feel like it’s the best event of the year (nice job Sasy and team!) – so well run, so well laid out, thoughtfully managed – and the best part, Hair Fair supports kids who are fighting the most evil diseases. Go crazy at Hair Fair 2018 for… Read more →

Hair Fair 2018: Do the demo

You’re all aware that Hair Fair starts THIS WEEKEND. And, with all the releases, you’re going to want to schedule a significant chunk of time to demo before you buy. Like last year, Hair Fair organizers are opening an in-world group for members to receive ALL demos one full day in advance – so when the sims open to the… Read more →