Tag: Fashionably Dead

Can’t stop, won’t stop

I don’t know that I will ever be able to go back to mesh head appliers, now that I am back to using all my [old] amazing tattoos for makeup, beauty marks, etc. I am so glad I didn’t delete all these! I am wearing a new BoM Glam Affair skin but with really old beauty marks from Tuli (RIP)… Read more →

Fresh Peach

I am sick (in May!) so I am feverish and completely forgot that C88 opened today (yesterday by the time I post this). I did check out the inventory though, and I am happy to say that most of what I am interested in are skins and accessories. I have SO MANY great things to blog (including this fresh peach… Read more →

Winter Shorts

These are my winter shorts. Yes, that’s a thing. For me, anyway. They’re super cute and can be fatpacked \0/ by fashionably dead @Uber. The rest of my sporty, fully accessorized by Bauhaus Movement (which recently reopened in a new location) look, flowed from those sweet winter shorts. Incidentally, I completed a MASSIVE LeLutka head applier declutter this weekend. It… Read more →

Meant To Be

Some things are just meant to be. Like these bright gold LaGyo earrings paired with a beautiful, deep sea blue blouse. I didn’t even realize how perfect they were together until I put them on. Aside from my earrings, ring and trousers (which I blogged earlier in a different color), the only other new, never worn item is my hair… Read more →

Down home country

I am about 1-2 weeks behind in SL. Behind in blogging, behind in sorting, behind in answering IMs! But you know how that goes. I finally had time to take snaps of the outfit I’ve been wearing the last few days when I do have time to log in. It’s very “down home country.” I’m into it. This Belleza skin… Read more →