Tempest Fugit. Roughly translated that’s ‘Time Flies.’ And it does. I can’t believe we are already closing in on June. Where has all the time gone? I was away for most of April and now here I am again, away all this week down the beach visiting my parents and working from their house. This time, I prepped my post before I left though I probably could have just left it, since not much I am wearing is new.
In SL, time also whizzes by. The event and sales cycles grind on and my consumption shows no signs of slowing down. Yet here I am, blogging a style that mostly uses pieces that you probably have seen before elsewhere (though I have never used). It’s no secret I am quite preppy IRL. Who am I kidding? VERY preppy. So this style is very much aligned with how I dress day to day. The shorts are just a tad shorter 😉
With that, tempest fugit IRL, so I am off to tap away at my work keyboard and figure out what to feed the family for dinner later on. I’ll be back next weekend!
Tempest Fugit
- Head: LeLutka
- Eyes: Avi-Glam
- BoM Skin: MILA. Farida EvoX [05] Brows 02 **@Level**
- Eye Makeup: Alexandrite
- Eyeliner: Insol
- Lipstick: Poema Frumusetea Lipstick **@Dubai**
- Hair: Stealthic – Dice
- Earrings: (Yummy) Classic Hoop – 5mm **@Collabor88**
- Headband: :C’est la vie !:: Joelle Headband **new gg**
- Necklace: ARNAUD HAUS HardLink Necklace GOLD
- Blouse: (fd) Postcard Shirt – Bunny
- Shorts: (fd) Postcard Shorts – Ocean
- Bag: ryvolter :. Xylia Knot Bag Tangerine
- Rings: Orsini