DeuxLooks has a change in plans IRL that allows her to style this look made up of both sale and new items in Second Life. Read more →

DeuxLooks has a change in plans IRL that allows her to style this look made up of both sale and new items in Second Life. Read more →
I’m not usually a big fan of the puff. You know, the puffy sleeves, puffy shoulders type of fashion. It reminds me of the 80s and not in a fond remembrance kind of way. But one puff? I’ll manage with one puff, please. Especially when it looks like this. I decided to go much heavier on my accessories for this… Read more →
Andddddddd I’m back. Back at it as they say. Admittedly, it didn’t take me long to slip back into “Simollian” (Simone + Gillian). But as fail as I felt about it at first – I lasted, what, 2 days? – I realized, it’s perfectly expected to be back where I feel most like me. Isn’t that the point? It’s hard… Read more →
This is my RBF. Yes, Resting Bitch Face. But it doesn’t have to be, as you probably know if you have been following the release of the new Bento head from LAQ. In typical Gillian style though, I really have to let new animations grow on me. Sometimes they never do. Or sometimes they become as core to the head… Read more →
Does anyone else follow Pantone’s “color of the year” ? They do such a good job of marketing but did you know they do this for seasons too? I happened to notice today as I was looking up paint colors, that one of my favorite colors – the one I normally refer to as “blush” – is actually “pale dogwood.”… Read more →
See? It’s not that I am color averse, it’s that there aren’t enough pretty and feminine dresses in tangy colors in Second Life. I pretty much love everything about this freshly squeezed look. I even let my avatar smile 😮 Also, may I just say that I rarely buy fatpacks – instead, I like to pay more than the cost… Read more →
If you’ve been around SL for a longggg while, you might remember Shai of Casa del Shai releasing a suit set themed, “Mean Business.” It was incredibly well made and keep in mind, these were the days long before mesh. Imagine the constraints on an artist only being able to work with the system avatar?!!? Textures really had to be… Read more →
I can remember a time when I didn’t put a lot of thought into using bags for my blogs in Second Life. This was back in the days long before mesh, hell, before anything other than carrying what were essentially shoe boxes on your arm. No really. It’s so nice to be able to not just blog, but regularly actually… Read more →
I talk a lot about interesting beauty, where imperfections replace perfection, “flaws” are the best part, and unconventional beauty trumps all. With literally thousands of “beautiful” items available every day in Second Life, I think a lot about how to bring my true self into my styles in this virtual world where we can be perfect all the time if… Read more →
Have you all been to the new event, Whimsical? If not, you can find Miss Elika’s newest hair offering there. Sofia’s a gacha but you really can’t go wrong with any of her packs tbh. I love that there’s a perfectly matched hairbase available for every single tone available. Whimsical is large and takes a while to traverse, plus it… Read more →
Quick on the heels of my very short 2016 wish list, I have been sniffing around the events in the new year, looking for items that really strike my fancy. Oddly enough, only a few things have grabbed me. Some great hairs, select appliers, and accessories here and there. Have the winter doldrums stolen my zest for shopping? No, I… Read more →
This is me experimenting with darker toned skins. I love them. There is nothing more beautiful to me than very dark and very fair skin tones. Being extremely fair skinned IRL, I harbor an especially strong attraction to darker tones. And lucky me, there are some absolutely beautiful options all around the grid if you favor a truly, madly, deeply… Read more →
These new appliers from Pink Fuel are for Catwa’s mesh heads. The Morgana appliers are some of the best I have seen for the Catwa heads and are so reasonably priced for everything you get. There are tons of options and absolutely gorgeous eye makeups in particular. I loved the Morgana system skin and I am definitely loving Morgana for… Read more →
I am a big fan of structure when it comes to fashion. Even on a casual day, I often lean towards a tailored or structured look and then add softness as I go. I found some items in Second Life that I was drawn to and that do structure really well. Back in the day (I can say that seeing… Read more →
My cravings for simple fall fashions are sated for the moment. I couldn’t be happier with all the simple, classic and casual choices available at a slew of events and in-store releases. I mentioned here that I had a feeling my friend Dakota Buck was coming back into the SL fashion world, and I was right! You can find Whippet… Read more →