412 search results for "Hair Fair"

Hair Fair 2018: Ten for Ten

I hope by now you’re knee-deep in demos and are on your second or third loop through the 4 sims for Hair Fair 2018. Meni, creator for ASO! fixed the problem that prevented me from blogging this as one of my top ten hairs for Hair Fair. Isn’t it perfect? It’s probably my most favorite hair of all from this… Read more →

Hair Fair 2018: DeuxLooks Top Ten

You all are going to go absolutely crazytown at Hair Fair 2018. I feel like it’s the best event of the year (nice job Sasy and team!) – so well run, so well laid out, thoughtfully managed – and the best part, Hair Fair supports kids who are fighting the most evil diseases. Go crazy at Hair Fair 2018 for… Read more →

Hair Fair 2018: Do the demo

You’re all aware that Hair Fair starts THIS WEEKEND. And, with all the releases, you’re going to want to schedule a significant chunk of time to demo before you buy. Like last year, Hair Fair organizers are opening an in-world group for members to receive ALL demos one full day in advance – so when the sims open to the… Read more →

Giddyup! Hair Fair is around the corner

Giddyup! I’m FINALLY feeling the fashion again. I have a lot to blog and not a lot of time to dedicate to it. But regardless, I love everything I’m wearing here. I did consider pairing this shirtdress with tall boots but I’ll wait until we’re a little deeper into autumn in earnest. I am going to London in a couple… Read more →

Hair Fair: Tableau Vivant

I did say that Hair Fair was inspiring so many fashion ideas in my mind that I then set out to build. Tableau Vivant’s Tuko is one of them. And so is Powder Pack for LeLutka. I mean, hi, the skin from Modish might actually be my most favorite skin offered in Powder Pack to date. In fact, this whole… Read more →

Hair Fair Top Picks (Part II)

Top picks (part II) from Hair Fair! This round featuring some “newer to me” designers and one that I haven’t worn in a long time! I have so much to blog but I think I will move into full outfits next time! Be sure to check out the full style guide (with direct slurls) on the Hair Fair blog <3… Read more →