412 search results for "Hair Fair"

Hair Fair 2017: Top picks (part I)

Well I spent alllllllll morning at the press preview of Hair Fair (thank you, Sasy and HF team!). I shopped; I dropped some serious Lindage; and I hauled home fat lootz! I am going to show you some of my favorites in several parts (because there is a lot)! That’s two top spots from Elikatira right there and she has… Read more →

Hair Fair 2017 – are you ready?

Is your inventory ready for the deluge of content that is Hair Fair in Second Life? Hair Fair 2017 kicks off this weekend and I am sooooooo excited to go hair wild during a preview on Friday. I’ll be blogging my picks that day! To get organized, I suggest joining the Hair Fair Demo Group! Just copy and paste the… Read more →

Hair Fair 2016: Quick Look

Hair Fair 2016 opens tomorrow and it’s superb. So much respect to Sasy, Whimsy, and their whole Hair Fair team, for creating an easy to traverse, well laid out collection of sims to shop from. It’s a great cause and a wonderful collection of designers to celebrate. Coming from someone who hates crowds, even in SL, this is something you… Read more →

Hair Fair’s Last Licks

I believe today is the last day for Hair Fair 2015. I still have about 20 hairs in my inventory to wear O.o, and I will get there – but it clearly won’t be in time for the Fair to still be open. I am quite sure most people have been and shopped exhaustively, but just in case you missed… Read more →

Glam Affair’s Relaunch

I just got back from a mini vacation and was thrilled to see that Glam Affair (and Tableau Vivant) reopened, completely redesigned, with lots of new inventory. Most notable: completely new skin tones and body appliers. I wasn’t sure what to make of that, given that all our GA skin tones have been built right into the Maitreya Lara body.… Read more →

Glam Affair: You were missed

One noticeable absence for me at this year’s Skin Fair was Glam Affair. I have always looked forward to Ada’s special releases this time of year so if you’re jonesing for some perfect complexion Glam Affair goodness, unfortunately you won’t find it at Skin Fair. BUT… …You can find Glam Affair newness at Collabor88! I find it very hard to… Read more →

Skin Fair 2018: Colivati Beauty

I am still blogging my haul from Skin Fair 2018. This time, I’m featuring a skin from a creator I have only been familiar with through Powder Pack: Colivati Beauty. Several LeLutka Powder Packs had cosmetics from this brand, but I don’t think we received a skin. Regardless, this will be the first time I have blogged a full face… Read more →

Skin Fair 2018: Murray

Dear skin lovers of Second Life, don’t miss the new LeLutka applier from Murray at Skin Fair 2018. I mean, hello gorgeous. This skin is everything. You get 3 different eyebrows and a no-brow option, plus eye makeups, lipsticks AND body appliers – all in one, super sleek HUD. “Blanca” is definitely my pick from all of Skin Fair for… Read more →

Skin Fair 2018: I’m Smitten

You don’t have to go far to see all the Skin Fair 2018 previews around Flickr and your blog roll. This is the start of mine and it’s led by alaskametro’s “Cora” for LeLutka heads. One of only a few LeLutka appliers that really wow’d me at Skin Fair so far. Not all designers were set up yet, so there’s… Read more →

Adam n Eve @ Skin Fair

This is Ella, a very beautiful skin for LeLutka mesh heads by Adam n Eve’s sachi Vixen. I can remember blogging sachi’s creations wayyyyyyyy back when. It’s great to see her still so active and successful in Second Life. I am showing the skin in “EB” tone, and with LeLutka Simone’s eyebrows, rather than the provided eyebrow textures. I love… Read more →