DeuxLooks is wearing a huge hair that looks normal from the front and typing up a very random post. Enjoy! Read more →

DeuxLooks is wearing a huge hair that looks normal from the front and typing up a very random post. Enjoy! Read more →
I don’t know that I will ever be able to go back to mesh head appliers, now that I am back to using all my [old] amazing tattoos for makeup, beauty marks, etc. I am so glad I didn’t delete all these! I am wearing a new BoM Glam Affair skin but with really old beauty marks from Tuli (RIP)… Read more →
I was inspired by the “Fanny” hair from Tableau Vivant to go a bit glamorous. Though this first hair is a few releases ago, much of what you’ll find at this month’s Collabor88 and the most recent Uber is also quite glamorous. I especially love Tableau Vivant’s blonde tones. I am wearing a bunch of my older favorites including my… Read more →
I am one of those freaks of nature who don’t really like red. It’s a color I almost never wear – in either life. The only time of year I will even consider it is around the holidays. And even then, usually only on my nails or a scarf or clutch. I don’t even like red roses 😮 But, I… Read more →
I’m all shopped out. In the last week my inventory grew by embarrassing amounts with all the wonderful fall wears, and skins, and hairs, and…I probably went the most nuts at The Seasons Story because it means it’s been one full year since I logged back in to Second Life after an epic break. TSS was the very first place… Read more →
…but I am glad there is one. I don’t need a reason to visit my favorite brands’ main stores tbh. It’s still weird to me that it’s now so novel to actually TP around and enjoy the spaces that my favorite artists have created. I like MIX because it’s very specifically not a destination event. Instead, it’s designed to get… Read more →
I am a big fan of structure when it comes to fashion. Even on a casual day, I often lean towards a tailored or structured look and then add softness as I go. I found some items in Second Life that I was drawn to and that do structure really well. Back in the day (I can say that seeing… Read more →
It’s no secret that my favorite way to dress in both lives is to mix my look up but stay true to my core style. Mixed textures, mixed tones, all of it. We all definitely sashay to our own fashion songs, which makes personal style maybe the most accessible way to assert our individuality on a daily basis, regardless of… Read more →
I braved The Arcade once again, albeit briefly, and picked up Morgana from Pink Fuel in all the brow options. I added some of my favorite tattoos to soften the lips and cheeks a bit. Dark eyebrows are my absolute favorite on any skin and these are absolutely gorgeous. If I could take them and put them on other skins,… Read more →
Early fall fashion offers the best clothes, best makeups and a reason to wear boots again \0/. I am pushing it a little as it’s still over 90 degrees here, but the leaves are definitely already turning. It’s beautiful. So here are some early fall looks from a few new releases anchored on simple, fun and staple fashions. The dress… Read more →
Way back in 2007 and 2008, I wore a lot of skins from Tuli. After my CS Vogue and then Minnu skins, Tuli’s were usually in my common rotation. I hope all those who came after our early generation (and a few of them are still here and blogging!!) have had a chance to sample Tuli’s work. If not, then… Read more →