Tag: Kustom9


This is Roberta from Swallow, another new skin from Skin Fair. First let me say that I am wearing freckles that do not come with this skin. You can see a clean shot of Roberta at the end of this post. I added them for the simple reason that this skin does not come with any tattoo options. It comes… Read more →


This is Aeryn, new from PXL at Skin Fair. Way back when, I used to wear and blog PXL from time-to-time so it’s great to see Hart still creating. Aeryn comes in 4 separate makeups in your chosen tone with several options for freckles, moles, eyebrows and also included, SweetLips applier for your tone in the pack. I have not… Read more →

She wore lemon

This is AtiK “Doria,” new at Skin Fair. First time wearer and I think her face is very sweet. She only came with 2 versions, one with cleavage and one without. It also came with appliers for Slink hands and feet but there are no Maitreya Lara appliers available that I could see at the event or the main store.… Read more →

Lighten up!

So I am still working through all the skins from Skin Fair. I have been introduced to some great new to me brands and had good fun trying different looks. One thing that keeps coming up though, is tones. I wear mostly light to very light tones. I found a major issue with many of the skins that I otherwise… Read more →

That one thing…

I think we all understand building a look around one piece only. We have something in mind we must wear; and we can spend daysssss, weeks, etc. (and a lot of money) trying to build just the right look around it. Because whatever it is speaks to us. IRL I recently did this with a pageboy cap I bought (I… Read more →