DeuxLooks shows her latest skin treasure from Skin Fair 2020, produced by Pale Girl Productions in Second Life. Read more →

DeuxLooks shows her latest skin treasure from Skin Fair 2020, produced by Pale Girl Productions in Second Life. Read more →
Try as I might, I have not found as versatile a pair of thigh high boots in Second Life as these from the original shoe/boot specialist, Maitreya. For those of you who don’t know, before dominating hair and then later, mesh bodies, Onyx built the early Maitreya brand name on heels and boots – still some of the absolute best… Read more →
My rich chocolate accessories really led this look, perfect for a fall Saturday. IRL, I have been doing a lot of long skirts with booties, so recreating it – somewhat – in SL, was very satisfying. This whole ensemble would not have been possible without the delicate Tee from Canimal. I mean, talk about a perfect tucked top. It’s so… Read more →
I didn’t want to acknowledge this but it’s gone on long enough where I can’t pretend anymore. You guys, I am sorry to report I am experiencing a severe fashion drought. There is almost nothing – seriously – that interests me from a fashion perspective in Second Life right now. It has reached critical status. What? That’s impossible! The drought… Read more →
I don’t like “rompers.” I don’t even like the word, “romper.” I feel like a romper is something that a pre-teen girl wears and it looks perfectly appropriate on her but much less so on a grown, adult woman. Then, I made an exception for this romper. There was just something about the textures I liked and had to have.… Read more →
Today is unofficially “get away” day. That is, the Friday before our major July 4th holiday, when millions of Americans take to the roads and drive to various summer hot spots on the coasts to spend the week doing too much sunning and drinking. It’s a day for sucking it up and not complaining about the traffic. For me, it’s… Read more →
To wrap up my crappy week IRL, here’s a very casual Friday look. Comfortable, sporty and cute. I’m ready to toss the week’s stink off me and move into a happier weekend! I’m very into my new shorts and older kicks. In fact, I’m pretty into every single thing I’m wearing, including my new skin applier from a lesser known… Read more →
I am back from my trip and eager to plan out a whole week of looks encompassing easy spring style. I’m on vacation for a whole week! I can’t guarantee I will be blogging a lot because it’s finally gorgeous outside. <3 But, here are some items that are all must haves for me. If my avatar looks different, it’s… Read more →
My strong suit – blazer by Teefy @Collabor88 – personifies everything we see IRL fashion right now. From the bold, exaggerated shoulders to the masculine pinstripe contrasting the lacey camisole, Teefy definitely got this one very right. With such sharp, masculine angles, I wanted to soften it all up with a selection of ornate accessories and a pale, feminine blue… Read more →
The early signs of spring are everywhere in Second Life. Not so much IRL. In SL, we may as well be half-way to Summer already judging by the fashion. IRL, I am still driving with my seat warmers on. I’ll take the SL version any day. I am back in my Rebel head from LAQ. Definitely my favorite LAQ head… Read more →
Enter ESPY, the newest innovation from SL hair favorite, Little Bones. ESPY Dye Shop is a completely new way to customize your hair with a whole host of color combinations. Simply choose the section of hair you want to color (roots, ends or all) and you now have countless ways to be unique. Right now there are only three ESPY… Read more →
My first of two precious metals is a dress I took a chance on from a designer I wasn’t familiar with and have never blogged before. Safira offers the “Lucie” dress, which comes fitted for Slink and Maitreya, and includes a lace and an opaque version, in a wide-range of colors. I like an oblique cut IRL and I love… Read more →
I went crazy for this sheer, bias cut skirt from fashionably dead. And I do mean crazy because there is no fatpack option for it (or any of the other inventory) at all! So, I scooped up my most likely to reuse colors, knowing full well I had left some great ones on the table. I don’t know why some… Read more →
Well I spent alllllllll morning at the press preview of Hair Fair (thank you, Sasy and HF team!). I shopped; I dropped some serious Lindage; and I hauled home fat lootz! I am going to show you some of my favorites in several parts (because there is a lot)! That’s two top spots from Elikatira right there and she has… Read more →
This may be the easiest styling I’ve ever done. This hot bodysuit is by Fashionably Dead @Collabor88. Very simple, very classic, and great for layering. But not today. Today the bodysuit comes out from under all the things I usually cover them up with. In other news, I am pretty thrilled with so many great hairs out and about. Like… Read more →