DeuxLooks states a basic truth and styles a classic neutral look that brings the blogger back to her roots in Second Life fashion Read more →

DeuxLooks states a basic truth and styles a classic neutral look that brings the blogger back to her roots in Second Life fashion Read more →
Your eyes do not deceive you. Yes, I finally put on a Catwa head again :o. After some shape shifting, I finally found a look that I liked for today. Different strokes for different folks, as they say. I am working on my 2017 Year in Review post and as part of that, I inevitably take stock of everything that… Read more →
The romantic in me will always be searching for tulle skirts, and tasteful, crystal beading, and graceful ribbons. Back when I was blogging the first time around SL, my never ending search of those bows was well documented. I don’t really do much Kawaii and I don’t RP as a kid, I just really love the addition of a graceful… Read more →
The Book of Daniel is a special fundraising event to bring relief and aid to a man fighting cancer and his family. I do not know Daniel, but I have enjoyed his creations from Zerkalo since my return back to SL. More than 120 designers have come together to support his care – offering 50%-100% of all purchase proceeds going… Read more →
I can remember a time when I didn’t put a lot of thought into using bags for my blogs in Second Life. This was back in the days long before mesh, hell, before anything other than carrying what were essentially shoe boxes on your arm. No really. It’s so nice to be able to not just blog, but regularly actually… Read more →
Halloween is around the corner and Thanksgiving looms only weeks later. We’re entering Deep Fall here in the US. It’s still not time for snow or heavy coats just yet xD so I put together some of my recent favorites that fit with the season. Personally, if it could stay like this all year round, I would be quite happy.… Read more →
After a lot of back and forth in my head about what I want in a mesh head and what I don’t prioritize, I decided the quality of the new Catwa Mesh Head was worth it – and especially as there are so many good makeup appliers that are already available for Jessica. Out of all the mesh heads I… Read more →
There’s more movement in the mesh head market with a surprise (to me) new entrant – Catwa. The Jessica mesh head is at a bit of a higher price point than other heads so you’re not going to see it everywhere, at least to start. I have tried the demo (above) and like it quite a lot, so it’s something… Read more →
Essences just released a new face called Aribeth. She comes in 6 tones and each tone comes with 5 eyebrows and associated cleavage versions. You can also buy a lips pack separately with 9 tattoos. I don’t wear Essences often so I was definitely keen to try this one. I like the face; youthful, fresh and very distinct. I’m also… Read more →