August slipped away like a bottle of wine. DeuxLooks celebrates – and mourns – the end of summer that came in and out like a ghost. Read more →

August slipped away like a bottle of wine. DeuxLooks celebrates – and mourns – the end of summer that came in and out like a ghost. Read more →
Dollface is the newest style from Lamb, available at Uber. I actually didn’t really find much at Uber that I liked. But I’m wearing the two things I loved. Can you spot the other? Yes, my skin is new and absolutely beautiful IMO. It’s by Insol for Vista bento heads, so if you have any of those (I think 3… Read more →
I am still blogging my haul from Skin Fair 2018. This time, I’m featuring a skin from a creator I have only been familiar with through Powder Pack: Colivati Beauty. Several LeLutka Powder Packs had cosmetics from this brand, but I don’t think we received a skin. Regardless, this will be the first time I have blogged a full face… Read more →
Dear skin lovers of Second Life, don’t miss the new LeLutka applier from Murray at Skin Fair 2018. I mean, hello gorgeous. This skin is everything. You get 3 different eyebrows and a no-brow option, plus eye makeups, lipsticks AND body appliers – all in one, super sleek HUD. “Blanca” is definitely my pick from all of Skin Fair for… Read more →
So I am way behind again, but whatever, right? Life gets crazy and we all have to prioritize. Today I’m finally prioritizing blogging this sweet street style look that I’ve been wearing the last few days. It’s only “street style” because of the stacked heel and large tote, a combination that I am seeing all over the place as we… Read more →
You may know, I love most things French – the food, the cities, and most especially, the style. French women are the most chic creatures on earth, IMO. I have been pouring over Instagram and Vogue watching the Spring couture collections as they roll through Paris. My favorite look from Dior so far. Meanwhile in Second Life… My look today… Read more →
Let’s pretend it’s summer and good fashion can be as simple as a sheath dress from fashionably dead. Let’s pretend we don’t have to slather on inches of moisturizer to look this good, but can simply use just the new cosmetics found in our Sephora Play boxes, or in the case of SL, in our Powder Packs. I was away… Read more →
TGIF! Much of the Eastern US is experiencing a short but very dramatic January thaw. At least for 48 hours before the next arctic freeze sets in. I took this opportunity to go a little ragtag with my Friday style, since I don’t have to bundle up quite as much. I love pulling beautiful mangos, mints and cherry reds from… Read more →
Did you see the Golden Globes this past Sunday? As any fashion lover, I always enjoy watching the Red Carpets at various awards ceremonies, and this one was no exception. But this time, nearly all the female attendees were dressed in black in solidarity with other women, as part of the now infamous #MeToo movement that exposes sexual harassment in… Read more →
Now that Skin Fair is in full swing, I’m really checking out the wear-ability of all my new skins and one new head. Cate. From LeLutka, of course. I am also wearing a skin from Candy Doll that I didn’t expect to like, but I do! I originally waited to wear Cate after getting what I can only describe as… Read more →
I’m all shopped out. In the last week my inventory grew by embarrassing amounts with all the wonderful fall wears, and skins, and hairs, and…I probably went the most nuts at The Seasons Story because it means it’s been one full year since I logged back in to Second Life after an epic break. TSS was the very first place… Read more →
It’s no secret that my favorite way to dress in both lives is to mix my look up but stay true to my core style. Mixed textures, mixed tones, all of it. We all definitely sashay to our own fashion songs, which makes personal style maybe the most accessible way to assert our individuality on a daily basis, regardless of… Read more →
Early fall fashion offers the best clothes, best makeups and a reason to wear boots again \0/. I am pushing it a little as it’s still over 90 degrees here, but the leaves are definitely already turning. It’s beautiful. So here are some early fall looks from a few new releases anchored on simple, fun and staple fashions. The dress… Read more →
On a Sunday in the summer I usually do one of two things, housework and shopping for the coming week – or absolutely nothing. I haven’t decided what today will be yet. So I’m kicking it off in Second Life. Fameshed opened up and it seems my brief moratorium of event shopping is over. There is some great inventory, of… Read more →
I believe today is the last day for Hair Fair 2015. I still have about 20 hairs in my inventory to wear O.o, and I will get there – but it clearly won’t be in time for the Fair to still be open. I am quite sure most people have been and shopped exhaustively, but just in case you missed… Read more →