DeuxLooks shows a pretty basic look for winter while wondering why a creator would opt out of providing demos for new Bakes on Mesh skin offerings in Second Life? Read more →

DeuxLooks shows a pretty basic look for winter while wondering why a creator would opt out of providing demos for new Bakes on Mesh skin offerings in Second Life? Read more →
I was supposed to be leaving for England and Amsterdam this coming Sunday but illness will more than likely keep me home. It’s been a rough winter in terms of getting sick constantly, but hey, Spring is on the way or so I hear. Trips not taken… While I usually kvetch about The Arcade every season, I will say that… Read more →
I am a big fan of structure when it comes to fashion. Even on a casual day, I often lean towards a tailored or structured look and then add softness as I go. I found some items in Second Life that I was drawn to and that do structure really well. Back in the day (I can say that seeing… Read more →
Splashes of color everywhere. I love this look from David Heather. The arms are fixed in the pockets, which creates a nice streamlined look in photos but can be a little awkward just shopping around. I’m also wearing eyeshadow from Angelica, found at the Wayward Hunt (the Angelica mainstore is one of the most lovely I have seen in SL… Read more →
…a good hair day. There are droughts we go through in SL fashion depending on what designers are putting out. For me, around Shiny Shabby, I had a dearth of new hair to wear other than 2-3 that I loved, but plenty of amazing new clothes. Now, I find that I have more hair than I know what to do… Read more →
Fameshed is open and there is a very wide range of items available. A few of my favorites include this leather dress from Emery, shoes from Just Design and necklace from Cae. I rarely wear tattoos but I really like this one from Pervette available at Cosmopolitan. Unfortunately you can’t see the crow holding the rosary here, but it’s very… Read more →
The Birdy collection of brands launched their new sim, Sleepy, and with it, new skins and apparel from Birdy and Foxes (Alchemy was still under construction). Below is Sienna, one of the three new skins available and my favorite. There is also a group gift skin for Sleepy VIPs. Most of the group gifts cost $1L, and the group fee… Read more →