Dressing for Fall …When it’s Still Hot Out?

It happens to be almost 75 degrees here in Boston today. It’s beautiful, blustery with remnants of a passing hurricane, and bursting with fall color. But it’s not like I can walk outside with my favorite cape or I would broil. So, how am I dressing seasonally appropriate when it’s so warm out? Like ^ that. Maybe I would add… Read more →

Deep Fall

Halloween is around the corner and Thanksgiving looms only weeks later. We’re entering Deep Fall here in the US. It’s still not time for snow or heavy coats just yet xD so I put together some of my recent favorites that fit with the season. Personally, if it could stay like this all year round, I would be quite happy.… Read more →

Let Me Just Eat My Hat

I have said a bunch of times that I don’t prioritize expressions on my mesh heads, and even, that I don’t care if they have them 😮 . I have changed my mind…sort of, so let me just eat my hat. *noms* OK. While I am still a lot more likely to buy a mesh head with no expressions, I… Read more →

Too Much is Never Enough

Be honest. How many times do you wear your hairs in Second Life on average? For me, I wear my favorites over and over and over, as evidenced by the last year of blogging. But between hairs and shoes in Second life, too much is never enough. I am a certified “shoe whore” IRL and a “hair whore” in Second… Read more →

Shades of Grey

These two new beauties are shades of grey, of course from Elika of elikatira. Noire and Nura will both be available as gachas at the Wayward Halloween event that opens today. Whenever E puts out an exclusive pack (special colors only available for that hair and for a limited time), I am all about the seashell tone on the left.… Read more →

The Great Quarterly Inventory Purge

It’s that time again. Every quarter (three months), I go through my inventory for the Great Quarterly Inventory Purge and pick out my personal favorite hairs of the previous quarter. I meticulously go through and delete items in my inventory that I can’t see reusing. Why? Because I like to keep my inventory tidy and compact; very unlike the first… Read more →

Beige Isn’t Boring

Beige isn’t boring to me. Not IRL and not in SL, where sometimes subtle colors or designs go overlooked. It’s a staple that can be worn in any season, except maybe the Christmas holidays? Even then…I might still wear it as a winter almost white 🙂 I would just like to say that I especially covet the skirt from OVH… Read more →

All Shopped Out

I’m all shopped out. In the last week my inventory grew by embarrassing amounts with all the wonderful fall wears, and skins, and hairs, and…I probably went the most nuts at The Seasons Story because it means it’s been one full year since I logged back in to Second Life after an epic break. TSS was the very first place… Read more →


I loved this simple dress from COCO and every time I went to add something, it looked wrong. So I added almost nothing – just a ring – and it felt perfect. Sometimes, I guess minimal is more. I felt like the stars of the look were really the skin applier from Lara Hurley and hair from Tableau Vivant, both… Read more →

Catwa Mesh Head: Jessica

After a lot of back and forth in my head about what I want in a mesh head and what I don’t prioritize, I decided the quality of the new Catwa Mesh Head was worth it – and especially as there are so many good makeup appliers that are already available for Jessica. Out of all the mesh heads I… Read more →

MIX: I don’t need a reason…

…but I am glad there is one. I don’t need a reason to visit my favorite brands’ main stores tbh. It’s still weird to me that it’s now so novel to actually TP around and enjoy the spaces that my favorite artists have created. I like MIX because it’s very specifically not a destination event. Instead, it’s designed to get… Read more →

Some Structure

I am a big fan of structure when it comes to fashion. Even on a casual day, I often lean towards a tailored or structured look and then add softness as I go. I found some items in Second Life that I was drawn to and that do structure really well. Back in the day (I can say that seeing… Read more →

Let’s do this

It’s Friday and I am so ready for the weekend! Let’s do this! I am taking a short but very fashionable (in my mind) trip to NYC this weekend. It’s going to be crisp and cool. I have packed accordingly and am mirroring that in SL before I go. Some of these items can be found at the new round… Read more →

Fashion Sated

My cravings for simple fall fashions are sated for the moment. I couldn’t be happier with all the simple, classic and casual choices available at a slew of events and in-store releases. I mentioned here that I had a feeling my friend Dakota Buck was coming back into the SL fashion world, and I was right! You can find Whippet… Read more →