Is Halloween dead in SL? Or is just dead for DeuxLooks whose author is probably too old to enjoy it in the same way as a decade ago. A little drama! Read more →

Is Halloween dead in SL? Or is just dead for DeuxLooks whose author is probably too old to enjoy it in the same way as a decade ago. A little drama! Read more →
In case it wasn’t abundantly clear before today, I wanted to make sure everyone is aware that the [LeLutka] bot is back. I always know when I reach that old familiar bot status when I start to get comments from people about wanting to see me blog other heads from time-to-time. I’m not sure that I can right now…check back… Read more →
When it comes to LeLutka heads, all these years later, Simone is still the head that best represents me in avatar form. I have tried to love other heads from LeLutka (I do own them all) but it’s true, I rarely wear any of them, despite their quality. Then I met Korina. I only tried on one skin, this one… Read more →
Most of the time, I’m not a floral kind of girl. Maybe it’s that we had a surprisingly 65 degree day last week and I was able to drive with the top down on my car. Or maybe it’s because Spring isn’t too far away. Whatever the reason, I was drawn to this simple springy dress available at another new… Read more →
Try as I might, I have not found as versatile a pair of thigh high boots in Second Life as these from the original shoe/boot specialist, Maitreya. For those of you who don’t know, before dominating hair and then later, mesh bodies, Onyx built the early Maitreya brand name on heels and boots – still some of the absolute best… Read more →
I’m keeping my look mostly minimalist today for maximum impact. I was particularly taken with this skin from Moccino Beaute for Lelutka heads. The subtle freckles and fresh complexion won me over. I almost didn’t demo because tbh, the ad photo was some sort of morph (I think?) and looked nothing like what I ended up purchasing. Just goes to… Read more →
This is the October Edit. Welcome to Autumn, in earnest! I really wanted to wear a fall trench coat with this perfect new hair by Elikatira, which I absolutely LOVE (and ps, it has style options too!). Sadly, I couldn’t find anything that fit the coat bill. In fact, nothing came remotely close to an actual trench at all. I… Read more →
Dresses are actually much easier to style than anything else, I find. Here’s a good example of what I consider a perfect day dress. Just the kind you can throw on and go. It looks like it took a lot more effort than it did actually. I paired my simple look with black and white strapped heels and a mini… Read more →
I love this power pairing of skirt suit and sleek boots. I rarely wear “outfits” that can be separates because it’s more fun for me to break everything up BUT this jacket was too perfectly “cut” for its pencil skirt pairing. Plus the blue is so beautiful. There’s something really satisfying about a look that is both powerful and powerfully… Read more →
That fall feeling arrived this morning in Boston. Crisp, cool and not a cloud in the sky. It inspired me to really mix up some of my brightest earthy fall colors. Colors that you might not think ought to go together, but IMO, they very much do. Love! I love everything about this time of year (except Hurricanes – for… Read more →
I’m not a big pattern or florals person. I would pick a solid over a pattern 6 out of 7 days of the week. But I love this floral print dress from Valentina E. For me, this is an example of palatable florals. It’s also one of my absolute favorite silhouettes, form fitting and feminine. It’s a quick break in… Read more →
It happens to be almost 75 degrees here in Boston today. It’s beautiful, blustery with remnants of a passing hurricane, and bursting with fall color. But it’s not like I can walk outside with my favorite cape or I would broil. So, how am I dressing seasonally appropriate when it’s so warm out? Like ^ that. Maybe I would add… Read more →
I know after the winter many of us had, I should not be looking forward to fall so much but tbh, it’s all about the clothes and makeups. Fabrics are slightly heavier, colors richer, hems longer. Good stuff in Second Life and ofc IRL! I am so happy that we’re nearly past the part of summer requiring basic sundresses, sandals… Read more →
I adore long hair. In the last year I had my stylist cut my hair into a medium bob and I cried for days. #firstworldproblems. It took me a year to grow it out and today it’s finally the perfect length for me. I am kinda obsessed with it actually. In SL of course, perfect hair for the day is… Read more →
Layers upon layers make up this skirt on the Hand Me Down Ballet dress from Valentina E at Uber. It’s hard not to love, hand me down or not. It’s my pick from Uber this round. I was imagining a young woman having been given this dress, trying it on and remembering when she dreamed of being a prima ballerina,… Read more →