Tag: Pure Poison

Too soon?

Too soon? Maybe. But I couldn’t risk not blogging asap, as who knows how buried these pieces would get in a few weeks when actual autumn arrives and my folders have become even more unmanageable. TBH, I have been avoiding an inventory intervention and I should probably do that before Hair Fair blows everything up. Emery, it’s been a while… Read more →

Down the rabbit hole

Wow, I started this style blog early this morning (it’s too cold to go outside) and down the rabbit hole I went. Not in SL; but on YouTube. I have legit been watching beauty blogger reviews for Fenty Beauty foundation for … about 6 hours. WTF. It’s completely mesmerizing. IRL I have fair, freckled skin, dark hair and light grey… Read more →

Copper Tones

If you happen to be a follower of runway trends then you know metallics, and copper in particular, are big trends in fashion this season. Quite honestly, who can keep up? It’s always “fashion week” somewhere! Regardless, I do love metallic rose golds and copper tones. So warm and summery and something sorely needed on another rainy day in Boston.… Read more →

Early Autumn

A scarf in early autumn is a total DO. Tbh a scarf almost anytime is pretty much always a DO for me 😉 I love early autumn for all the layering choices it brings to fashion lovers everywhere. To go from day to evening, I just wrap up in a light scarf or throw a blazer over my shoulders and… Read more →

Belleza Jordan for Catwa Mesh Heads

I regularly collect and recommend most skins and appliers from Belleza. Shyla creates such a distinct style across all her faces, and consistently offers some of the most beautiful on the grid, IMO. The new “Jordan” applier is no exception. With full options for eyebrows, lips and eye make-ups, as well as blush and freckles, she is stunning. I am… Read more →

Party Dresses and Bows

I do love party dresses in both lives, and these are two of the best new ones in my inventory. I also LOVE bows. Elika of Elikatira knows this and it has not faded as I have matured in any way. If you want me to buy or wear something, just add a bow 🙂 And no, I do not… Read more →

All Shopped Out

I’m all shopped out. In the last week my inventory grew by embarrassing amounts with all the wonderful fall wears, and skins, and hairs, and…I probably went the most nuts at The Seasons Story because it means it’s been one full year since I logged back in to Second Life after an epic break. TSS was the very first place… Read more →

coldLogic launches Neve

I only recently began wearing items from coldLogic. But soon found that some of my favorite simple, classic pieces come from that brand (mostly tailored shirts, trousers and tied sweaters). I took notice when I learned that the brand was launching their next evolution – with pieces that are made specifically to fit the grid’s most popular mesh bodies, including… Read more →

And we’re back…

I don’t know about anyone else but I am wrapping up an incredibly intense work week. I couldn’t log in, definitely couldn’t blog, and was asleep by 10:00 most nights only to be back in the office again by 7:00 a.m. the next day 😮 It’s good to be back! Annoyingly, I actually did have a blog all tee’d up… Read more →

Bare Faced

I am wearing the new LeLutka appliers by The Skinnery, available only at Creation.JP. Like recent releases, they are very simple, skin only appliers with no makeup choices, so they are priced excellently and you can add your own makeups if you like. However I chose to only add beauty marks, also from The Skinnery and available at Shiny Shabby.… Read more →