DeuxLooks gets serious about mixing metals in Second Life. Read more →

DeuxLooks gets serious about mixing metals in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks reviews the new LeLutka Powder Pack subscription box released in May in Second Life. Read more →
Do you know what a “Willow Pack” is? How many of you are that old school? I’ll wait xD… A Willow Pack is another name for what most everyone knows today as the “fatpack.” It was named for the one and only Willow Zander, a friend and a fellow blogger who has been out of SL for a while now.… Read more →
I did say that Hair Fair was inspiring so many fashion ideas in my mind that I then set out to build. Tableau Vivant’s Tuko is one of them. And so is Powder Pack for LeLutka. I mean, hi, the skin from Modish might actually be my most favorite skin offered in Powder Pack to date. In fact, this whole… Read more →
I have so much in my inventory I am keen to blog at some point, but today, I am crushing on some blues. Subtle blue accents that stand out against a very pale outfit. I admit that I am having trouble switching out of my LeLutka Simone head. This time, I am experimenting with the beautiful bushy eyebrows from the… Read more →
I’m wearing winter whites today, inspired by a breathtakingly cold day in Boston. I needed something to inspire some warmth, ok? In addition to my whites, I hit up Tram yesterday for FLF and found a great sale I had no idea about -_-. Most fatpacks are deeply discounted. I feasted on that for sure but I did note how… Read more →
I haven’t blogged all week but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been out and about 😉 I just really wasn’t as inspired as I need to be to put things together that I have been acquiring. Until today that is. From sales and events, to items I just love from my inventory – some perfect pairings for your weekend enjoyment.… Read more →
I have said a bunch of times that I don’t prioritize expressions on my mesh heads, and even, that I don’t care if they have them 😮 . I have changed my mind…sort of, so let me just eat my hat. *noms* OK. While I am still a lot more likely to buy a mesh head with no expressions, I… Read more →
After a lot of back and forth in my head about what I want in a mesh head and what I don’t prioritize, I decided the quality of the new Catwa Mesh Head was worth it – and especially as there are so many good makeup appliers that are already available for Jessica. Out of all the mesh heads I… Read more →
I recently visited The Seasons Story and once again was absolutely WOW’d by the build. It’s an event that really produces an experience, not just a shopping destination. It’s magical and masterful; and I hope you all have been or plan to go. I was inspired a bit to create this look based around the new headpiece available there from… Read more →
Yesterday I reviewed the new LeLutka mesh head appliers from Modish. I couldn’t really get past the issues with the Lara body appliers so I didn’t spend time covering close-ups, even though I said I liked the face. Ivone is quite pretty as you can see and I particularly like the dark eyebrows. I won’t rehash all of what I… Read more →
I feel like I have more new, great hairs than ever before. I’m still catching up from Fameshed and We <3 RP in fact. But, I am pretty good about reusing hairs, so unless the designer doesn’t put a picture in with the pack, I am sure to use them again. Anywayyyy, here are some more new hairs I love.… Read more →