Category: blog


Layers upon layers make up this skirt on the Hand Me Down Ballet dress from Valentina E at Uber. It’s hard not to love, hand me down or not. It’s my pick from Uber this round. I was imagining a young woman having been given this dress, trying it on and remembering when she dreamed of being a prima ballerina,… Read more →

In search of…

For the past 2 years I have chronicled my love affair with the perfect white shirt on my Pinterest board. Nothing is more versatile to me than this one article of clothing that inspires my fashion foundation for nearly every season. Does that foundation translate to SL too? Where “ready to wear” takes on a whole new meaning and creating… Read more →

Let’s Review

I say I am waiting until more heads arrive and I’m basically taking a break from my mesh head craze. I wear beautiful new skins for my standard AV head and blog effusively about them. I put back on my head(s) to review some new appliers. My addiction isn’t cured. I am not reconditioned. Though I clearly failed at my… Read more →


Beauty in SL is a real pleasure to cover. I feel like the last several days have seen so many quality skin and hair releases for everyone to enjoy. Today I’m featuring Glam Affair’s Eles face, in Asia. This tone is available at The Conquest event as a gacha item only. The makeups are as varied as you would expect… Read more →


Genuine. Simple. Clean. These are words I think of while wearing this dress from Pixicat. With my toes wrapped in what really look like shiny ribbons from, well it makes me very happy even on this epically rainy day where I am. The new faces from Glam Affair do not disappoint. I led with my favorite makeup from Yolandi… Read more →

Hey Alice

I have been nattering on and on about mesh heads and blah blah blah, yet I didn’t realize how much I missed Alice! And Sia! And Katra!  Also, knowing that tomorrow there is a whole new face coming out from Glam Affair that has nothing to do with mesh heads, well I knew I needed to recondition; at least until… Read more →

Summer Leather

I worked some leather into my summer wardrobe in ways that would still be bearable in RL heat. I’m *almost* to my vacation so my casual looks are inspired by all that time I will take to dress down and shop…a lot. A couple comments: The new leather pants from Addams are very good – as most of their items… Read more →


Summer is the best time for neutrals for me. I do them in fall too, but summer just lends itself. Incidentally, I first passed by this hair from Blues, but then went back and I’m so glad I did. Totally fun, summer hair! All of these pieces are 100% fitted mesh from various designers. I’ve said fitted pieces are hit… Read more →

I’m Ready

I’m ready for even more heads, LeLutka and others! We have reached critical mass with skin/makeup appliers and now the drumbeat is growing louder for more heads, pl0x. These new appliers are from Swallow, available only at the new Alice event (I hate the name, but you guys know which one). I imagine you can’t just whip them up, but… Read more →

Who’s that girl? Srsly

I mentioned I have been trying on other mesh heads recently, because I have pretty much become addicted to the sharp features in snapshots. And, with so many artists making appliers for the LeLutka heads, there’s a ton you can do to customize and still be you…so here’s another head I have added to my growing collection. This one by… Read more →

Ready for my close-up

Yesterday I reviewed the new LeLutka mesh head appliers from Modish. I couldn’t really get past the issues with the Lara body appliers so I didn’t spend time covering close-ups, even though I said I liked the face. Ivone is quite pretty as you can see and I particularly like the dark eyebrows. I won’t rehash all of what I… Read more →

Here, have some hair and a bunch of words

I feel like I have more new, great hairs than ever before. I’m still catching up from Fameshed and We <3 RP in fact.  But, I am pretty good about reusing hairs, so unless the designer doesn’t put a picture in with the pack, I am sure to use them again. Anywayyyy, here are some more new hairs I love.… Read more →

Summertime in Earnest

Summertime seems to have arrived in earnest now. And with it, sunny colors, easy fits and more relaxed fashion. The artists of Collabor88 June responded in kind with some of the most colorful, whimsical offerings. Personally I think many people will be most excited by the many great hairs from Elikatira, Exile and others, and most especially, the new dress… Read more →

Making a Statement

I was inspired by several items I have collected over this last week to focus a post on making a statement. My necklace from Shi is very much a statement necklace, although I have done a masterful job of hiding some of it :p I also love the new ring set from ieQED at We <3 RP. You don’t have… Read more →


I started down this path somewhat yesterday, but I do believe I have reached the point – surprised as I am – that I really do prefer mesh heads to standard AV heads, in snapshots anyway. They just allow for much sharper features with no post processing, and after getting used to them, it doesn’t feel as strange anymore. The… Read more →