I’m back at it after a long business trip and a short stint down the beach for the Fourth of July. I’m happy to be home and back to blogging. I may have lost track of what’s new, but one thing is for sure, I am still on my Hair Fair haul and clearly, I’m still on a sleek bun-style kick.

I also picked up what is – IMO – the most comprehensive SL jewelry set I have seen in … maybe ever. Well in terms of earrings, anyway. Yummy’s Hoop Earring Set is a must have. I honestly feel like this is pretty much all you will ever need. I wish I had them all IRL too.

I’m also trying out this babydoll dress – a more modern take on the babydoll dresses that were emblematic of SL a decade or more ago. Oy vey. I absolutely love the nude fabric texture and wish there was a longer option, since this one lacks practicality (not that I go many places in SL aside from shops and events). You can also wear it as a top over trousers. By the way, the demo for this Clef de Peau dress is 15 minutes. GREAT change! I bought it mostly because of that, tbh.
Back soon!

Back at it…
- Head: LeLutka Inez
- Eyes: AG
- Cheekbones: DeeTaleZ MU Cheekbones for LELU EVOX
- Hair: RAON Hair Cecile (bun and hairbase) **@Hair Fair**
- Hair Jewels: Rowne.Maijn Star Clips **@Hair Fair**
- Earrings: (Yummy) Hoop Set **@Fameshed**
- Dress: Clef de Peau.Ariana Dress Nude **@Fameshed**
- Bag: ARNAUD HAUS Origami Bag BEIGE
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