Tag: ryvolter


#Same. Like Grazia, I always get very excited for a Belleza skin for LeLutka heads. As an alleged LeLutka bot, when I saw Grazia’s post, I said, “#Same.” I made sure to say the actual, “Hashtag” too. Hazel, the newest skin release for LeLutka heads, has maybe the best eyebrows yet. I wouldn’t mind having a release of just eyebrows… Read more →

Time is Up

Did you see the Golden Globes this past Sunday? As any fashion lover, I always enjoy watching the Red Carpets at various awards ceremonies, and this one was no exception. But this time, nearly all the female attendees were dressed in black in solidarity with other women, as part of the now infamous #MeToo movement that exposes sexual harassment in… Read more →

Bright Idea

I love the bright idea behind my turquoise scarf and hat, paired with more neutral staples. The hat/hair combo is another item from the grab bag New Years gift from Ryvolter (and its other brands). I wish the hat could be separated from the hairstyle, because it’s so good. My skin is just released from Fiore for LeLutka and it’s… Read more →

grab bag

Grab Bag

This bag is literally my grab bag, part of the “grab bag” of New Years gifts from ryvolter/vivenine/fiore. The gifts are a virtual treasure trove of inventory including hair, apparel, accessories (like a couple of my all time favorite SL-made RL bags such as this one) and shoes.That means they’re making room for lots new inventory on the store shelves!… Read more →

Modern Knit

I’m behind – OK, way behind – in planned blogging this week and don’t expect to free up much before next weekend. In the meantime, a quick one with an example of a “Modern Knit” that I really like. True, the high turtleneck can be a little awkward in certain poses but it’s so similar to something I wore and… Read more →

May bento mesh head

May, I say

May I just say how much I didn’t expect to like this particular new “May” head from LeLutka as much as I do. Like so many of you, I am playing with the new LeLutka Bento heads and they are masterful. But for a diehard “Simone’r”…can they sneak into my rotation? From a functionality perspective, no one – it needs… Read more →

Hair Fair: Tableau Vivant

I did say that Hair Fair was inspiring so many fashion ideas in my mind that I then set out to build. Tableau Vivant’s Tuko is one of them. And so is Powder Pack for LeLutka. I mean, hi, the skin from Modish might actually be my most favorite skin offered in Powder Pack to date. In fact, this whole… Read more →

Summer Short

Like the rest of the SL fashion set, my summer short is a great pixie cut courtesy of Tram. How are you guys liking Uber this round anyway? My favorite thing of all? New skin applier from Spirit. I don’t love the moles on the body appliers’ decolletage (available separately at their man store) and Madina comes with no makeup… Read more →

Copper Tones

If you happen to be a follower of runway trends then you know metallics, and copper in particular, are big trends in fashion this season. Quite honestly, who can keep up? It’s always “fashion week” somewhere! Regardless, I do love metallic rose golds and copper tones. So warm and summery and something sorely needed on another rainy day in Boston.… Read more →

Add something?

Clearly I didn’t follow the sage advice by Coco Chanel who said, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” Instead, I decided to add something. Or many somethings. I was an a roll 😀 Minimalist is my normal vibe, but I was really feeling the beautiful Easter egg rose color of this new… Read more →

Sunday Style

Sunday style = 2 parts casual and comfortable, 1 part tailored. I love these trousers. I love them so much I have them in all colors (except green – I do not like green!). I need them in white, please, SPIRIT! Make it happen! This is my Sunday style and it all centers on my comfortable but tailored trousers (more… Read more →

Belleza Jordan for Catwa Mesh Heads

I regularly collect and recommend most skins and appliers from Belleza. Shyla creates such a distinct style across all her faces, and consistently offers some of the most beautiful on the grid, IMO. The new “Jordan” applier is no exception. With full options for eyebrows, lips and eye make-ups, as well as blush and freckles, she is stunning. I am… Read more →

Layering in the Summer

Layering in the summer is almost unheard of. But, it can be done. It can even be done in Second Life, where it’s significantly harder to layer effectively due to meshes and sizing. For regular readers, if you saw this pleated skirt from Tetra @Uber, you had to know I was going to go nuts for it. Indeed, it’s like… Read more →

Bold & Beauty “Sarah”

I feel like Bold & Beauty only recently entered the mesh head applier market? Maybe this isn’t accurate, but this is my perception. I went all kinds of hyperbolic at Skin Fair with their Lien applier for Catwa and I wear it all the time. I was definitely hoping for a Fiore offering, and it arrived at The Seasons Story… Read more →


Ethereal is one of my favorite words, and when done well, one of my favorite stylings in fashion. Romantic, dreamlike, beyond the earth…Love. I so appreciate all the items at Uber that really live up to ethereal. Absolutely beautiful and it seems even structured items can be ethereal. I enjoyed this round of Uber a lot, and I haven’t said… Read more →