DeuxLooks can’t resist new cosmetics from Alaskametro in Second Life. Read more →

DeuxLooks can’t resist new cosmetics from Alaskametro in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks continues showing off her Hair Fair 2019 haul, featuring historically inspired hair from Baiastice, a popular content creator in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks tries to stay up to date in a sea of Second Life events, but leaves several events unattended unknowingly! Read more →
DeuxLooks couldn’t resist much of the new inventory available at spring rounds of popular events in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks returns from a holiday with a classic, retro look featuring content from Skin Fair 2019. Read more →
I managed to sneak back in and blog one more look for my travel day to London and then I’m outta here! Not that I would wear this on the actual plane but yeah, I have been meaning to put this on from Rowne. To be honest, it’s the first thing I have really liked from Rowne in a hot… Read more →
DeuxLooks gets super serious with some new releases from Collabor88, the popular monthly shopping event in Second Life. Read more →
Late summer is my favorite time of the summer months. The nights are so crisp – foreshadowing what’s probably only weeks away; and the days are still so warm but you can feel the sun receding slightly. It’s just less extreme. I spent the weekend down at my parents’ house on the beach – which is pretty much heaven –… Read more →
I always have to remind myself to take time out. Or take A time out. Or whatever the directive is to stop (collaborate…) and just be still. This week in Nashville reminded me to do that. It was heavenly honestly. I just returned from visiting my new horse for the first time (it’s a long story; he is a rescue).… Read more →
I think I can safely say that when I finally made it over to Summerfest 2018, I didn’t expect it to produce an example of “Unsummer.” I’m kind of sorry, but at the same time, I’m doing me, as always. I don’t blog a lot of swimwear in SL because…I don’t ever do anything that would require it. I do… Read more →
One noticeable absence for me at this year’s Skin Fair was Glam Affair. I have always looked forward to Ada’s special releases this time of year so if you’re jonesing for some perfect complexion Glam Affair goodness, unfortunately you won’t find it at Skin Fair. BUT… …You can find Glam Affair newness at Collabor88! I find it very hard to… Read more →
I have a “To Blog” folder that literally never empties and not because I am always adding to it. But because I wait until I can use something in the way that I had been waiting for. You might call it, the great wait. I’m guessing that’s not all that popular in SL fashion blogging 😉 Several of my items… Read more →
Thanks, Uber creators, inspiration found. The list of my haul from Uber is long. And, the list is led by Rowne, which put out a beautiful sheer lace wrap dress and bralette/briefs combo that is exactly what I needed in my SL closet to wake up my inspiration senses. The only part of Uber that doesn’t make the list? The… Read more →
I most definitely made very merry over the Christmas holiday, and hope you did too. We actually had a real life white Christmas here in Boston. Illusive and often wished for, in reality it was a pain to get around in! But still, it looks beautiful now that Christmas is behind us. I am back to work IRL today but… Read more →
I visited the Arcade like I always do (grumbling slightly but still…I went) and I TP’d away scratching my real and virtual head about a few of the displays there. So riddle me this: Why would creators put out gacha content that is so wildly unrelated, it’s almost…trollish? Here, have some coffee with your … mesh head? Like, “oh you… Read more →