This is the end of summer for DeuxLooks in Second Life but the beginning of the Fall layering season. Read more →

This is the end of summer for DeuxLooks in Second Life but the beginning of the Fall layering season. Read more →
These days I am usually so short on time that I find it easier to make a list of things that I’m interested in checking out in-world before I log on. Of course this week is even busier because Hair Fair 2019 is imminent! Important: you can try on all the demos from Hair Fair by joining the Demo Group.… Read more →
DeuxLooks tries a new skin applier from Boheme Skins by Milan Jones in Second Life – but wonders where the older inventory of beautiful skins went? Read more →
DeuxLooks states a basic truth and styles a classic neutral look that brings the blogger back to her roots in Second Life fashion Read more →
Look, you guys! I changed my head! Yes, I caved to a growing drumbeat of IMs and notes. I’m back in a Genus head here, and it is a nice change whilst wearing a skin I really like. Note, I still find the eye movement on this head sub-par and its HUDs to be bulky and less intuitive than LeLutka’s.… Read more →
DeuxLooks reviews new items from Second Life’s Diomar (nee OVH) that are definitely not blush. Read more →