DeuxLooks begins again with some new fashions in Second Life while listening to Taylor Swift’s Begin Again after the blog borked for more than a week. Read more →

DeuxLooks begins again with some new fashions in Second Life while listening to Taylor Swift’s Begin Again after the blog borked for more than a week. Read more →
DeuxLooks goes inventory diving with another “Shop My Stash” featuring a favorite blouse from Rowne Read more →
DeuxLooks lists her best of 2020 in Second Life Style and Beauty. Read more →
DeuxLooks goes off the rails before going shopping in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks find the perfect pumpkin top at Kustom9, a popular fashion event in Second Life. Read more →
These days I am usually so short on time that I find it easier to make a list of things that I’m interested in checking out in-world before I log on. Of course this week is even busier because Hair Fair 2019 is imminent! Important: you can try on all the demos from Hair Fair by joining the Demo Group.… Read more →
DeuxLooks reviews select new items from Uber SL, a popular shopping event in Second Life. Read more →
I needed a serious pick me up so I turned to makeup shopping IRL (never fails) and a particularly bright look in SL. I especially love my new hair from Elikatira available @TheEpiphany. I’m wearing it in my favorite “seashell” <3 I’m also wearing a rather short blazer dress that I bought because of the beautiful burnt orange color. It’s… Read more →
DeuxLooks puts together a predictable look made up of items the blog favors. In typical fashion, it’s predictably perfect. Read more →
I need to be especially brief this morning. Despite every intention to spend more time here this weekend, I was in and out like a white hot flash. I focused today’s look on this long, white coat – which is very friendly to mix \0/ – from Belle Epoque @Collabor88. The dress and accessories are all navy (ofc) and once… Read more →
I spent the week in London for work and halfway through my Sunday night flight I realized, “HOLY F, I LEFT MY MAKEUP AT HOME!!!!” Not just like, a lipstick here or there, but my primer, foundation, setting powder, bronzer, concealer. You know, the most important stuff! I landed, went right to my hotel and napped for a couple of… Read more →
This look is a little bit luxe and little bit toasty warm and comfortable. I have been hanging on to this off the shoulder sweater for a year I think? Fun fact: I keep things in my “TO BLOG” folders until I literally wear, blog or delete them. The only items I ever file away are those that are worthy… Read more →
This is the new Pink Fuel applier for LAQ bento heads, Melody. I absolutely fell in love with this crystal tone in particular. The applier comes with numerous eyebrow color options, two eyelid options, makeups for eyes and lips, AND freckled options! It’s a lot. The price reflects all that customization and is much higher than other skin appliers for… Read more →
Here in the Eastern US, we’re in the middle of a vicious heat wave. It’s well over 100 in the shade in some areas – even by the water 😮 I’m keeping cool IRL by staying inside and playing dress-up. Even my avatar couldn’t bear to put on more than a wisp of a dress. And what a wisp it… Read more →
I think I can safely say that when I finally made it over to Summerfest 2018, I didn’t expect it to produce an example of “Unsummer.” I’m kind of sorry, but at the same time, I’m doing me, as always. I don’t blog a lot of swimwear in SL because…I don’t ever do anything that would require it. I do… Read more →