DeuxLooks has a change in plans IRL that allows her to style this look made up of both sale and new items in Second Life. Read more →

DeuxLooks has a change in plans IRL that allows her to style this look made up of both sale and new items in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks returns from a holiday with a classic, retro look featuring content from Skin Fair 2019. Read more →
It is most definitely on. Or will be, later this week when Skin Fair 2019 opens on March 8. I visited the press preview – and there were plenty of the creators already set up – which makes it easy to actually, you know, preview stuff 😉 Every year, I use Skin Fair as a focal point to purge and… Read more →
I used to be mildly obsessed with the movie, Black Swan. It was mesmerizing watching as the main character struggled to maintain her sanity. Was it all in her head? Did she kill her rival? Anyway, this skin/makeup combination reminded me of the white version of the swan. The skin, new from The Skinnery and the makeups, new “editorial” choices… Read more →
DeuxLooks puts together a predictable look made up of items the blog favors. In typical fashion, it’s predictably perfect. Read more →
I need to be especially brief this morning. Despite every intention to spend more time here this weekend, I was in and out like a white hot flash. I focused today’s look on this long, white coat – which is very friendly to mix \0/ – from Belle Epoque @Collabor88. The dress and accessories are all navy (ofc) and once… Read more →
I spent the week in London for work and halfway through my Sunday night flight I realized, “HOLY F, I LEFT MY MAKEUP AT HOME!!!!” Not just like, a lipstick here or there, but my primer, foundation, setting powder, bronzer, concealer. You know, the most important stuff! I landed, went right to my hotel and napped for a couple of… Read more →
These are my winter shorts. Yes, that’s a thing. For me, anyway. They’re super cute and can be fatpacked \0/ by fashionably dead @Uber. The rest of my sporty, fully accessorized by Bauhaus Movement (which recently reopened in a new location) look, flowed from those sweet winter shorts. Incidentally, I completed a MASSIVE LeLutka head applier declutter this weekend. It… Read more →
Decadent crystal and pearls, fur (faux of course), silk charmeuse, elegant stockings and heels. All my creature comforts in one look as we move deeper into fall. I started with this stole, which is technically new but actually quite old, if you know what I mean. I must have a dozen just like it in my inventory but for some… Read more →
It’s hard to improve on a classic sheath, but IMO, this new Lois dress does. It’s actually harder to do simple well in SL – because everyone seems to want the ‘in your face’ aesthetic. Stories&Co. does it best, pure and simple. I’m also really into these makeups from Glam Affair on the new Elanor skin, also at Collabor88. Coupled… Read more →
I was putting this look together, thinking of all the sugary things I love to eat – but mostly don’t anymore. And I thought, “Cake Pop!” That’s what I look like today. A scrummy, delicious, cutesy cake pop. I haven’t been by the May Fameshed yet but I know it’s their anniversary and there’s probably a lot worth having. Later… Read more →
This is Jumo, a skin brand I have never heard of or seen before. I found the “Brooklin” skin at Skin Fair, of course. I was flying by, doing another sweep of the South Sim during the press preview and floated by an ad on the side of a building that caught my attention. That almost never happens. You know… Read more →
You don’t have to go far to see all the Skin Fair 2018 previews around Flickr and your blog roll. This is the start of mine and it’s led by alaskametro’s “Cora” for LeLutka heads. One of only a few LeLutka appliers that really wow’d me at Skin Fair so far. Not all designers were set up yet, so there’s… Read more →
Some of my favorite shade combinations of crimson and lemon set the tone – unexpectedly maybe – for a fresh, cold day. I love the coat and scarf combination from Belle Epoque. You can’t see the boots, but they’re sweet too. I happen to be watching The Crown right (Season II, natch) and you might see something like this in… Read more →
I put together a casual winter look made up of some simple, but standout separates. We had our first snow in Boston this weekend, so it seemed apropos to dress with that in mind. Incidentally, the very first snow I saw this season was in Austin last week. Yes, Texas y’all. It never snows there! WTF? I actually got stuck… Read more →