I really need to wrap this #$@! up. Being in perpetual last minute mode is good for no one. It’s December 21 and I don’t have enough wrapping paper IRL to wrap things that no one needed or asked for. But I had enough time to act it out in SL, ofc. I even visited The Epiphany (remember…that?) and got this cute pose and props from the Amitie machine. I know. Time management isn’t a thing for me.

I’m not sure when I stopped visiting The Epiphany but this round has an absolute treasure of a machine – the Russian Winter series from Old Treasures. I absolutely LOVE. I didn’t pull a rare yet, but I am enjoying absolutely everything else so far (two rings shown).

It’s true, some gacha machines are like kitchen sinks. Full of odds and ends. One creator is selling lingerie, and yet, there are also prizes like…an old fashioned phone and…a building? Anyway….if you haven’t been, have another look at Epiphany.
Time to wrap this up, Waldman.