
DeuxLooks - thankful

I had this post all ready to go on Thanksgiving morning and then didn’t have time to post before I had to skedaddle. By the time I arrived back in Boston and went to upload, I decided to take advantage of various Black Friday sales and then had to retake all of the photos because I picked up the new LeLutka Powder Pack for 40% off \o/. I’m thankful for sales that help me fix mistakes I didn’t know I was making! I absolutely LOVE all the eyes and eye makeups in this Pack. So good. Very few skins btw but the one I am wearing from Amara Beauty is just *mwahh* perfect for the look I was going for.

DeuxLooks - thankful

Yes, I am enjoying my updated LeLutka heads so much that I don’t even miss the old eyebrows atm. I do have to go through my inventory and clean out a TON of older skin appliers that really should be purged now. The ones with crap eyebrows will definitely be deleted first – since there’s less of a chance I can save them with LeLutka built in brows now 😉

I will eventually stop talking about brows. Did I mention I have mine microbladed IRL and just had my touch up appointment? I did. They’re everything.
