DeuxLooks welcomes September but laments the continued lack of inspired fashion in Second Life. Read more →

DeuxLooks welcomes September but laments the continued lack of inspired fashion in Second Life. Read more →
I feel like I’m dressed as one of those “ladies who lunch.” The leisure set. The country club squad. You know the type, right? I would love to be one IRL TBH 😉 I wouldn’t mind going full glam for lunch and martinis with my friends! I collected all the items for my look via a virtual crisscross of the… Read more →
Today I am making a fresh start. As the Northeast digs out from another snowstorm, I’m noticing the snow melting more quickly as temperatures rise and the sun stays out longer. I even have the window open in my living room as I type this. A much needed fresh start after a long week. I haven’t been blogging at all… Read more →
October’s Powder Pack for LeLutka mesh heads was just released and this one gets a much more enthusiastic reaction from me than September’s. I was particularly taken with the eye makeups from The Face. Very high quality and diverse colors and styles. Actually there are several makeups that I’ll have to make sure I mention in subsequent posts. Other items… Read more →
I visited the Arcade like I always do (grumbling slightly but still…I went) and I TP’d away scratching my real and virtual head about a few of the displays there. So riddle me this: Why would creators put out gacha content that is so wildly unrelated, it’s almost…trollish? Here, have some coffee with your … mesh head? Like, “oh you… Read more →
I am just back from a long week of travel and am about to get on the road once again – but this time, to Nantucket and just for an overnight. On a beautiful spring day I have my Nantucket Reds on IRL but I didn’t have quite the right color in SL. So, I put on the closest I… Read more →
If you’re anything like me, you have hundreds (?!!?) of appliers for your bevy of mesh heads. If you’re someone who prefers to stick to one head or one skin, you might be surprised at those numbers. But for me, it’s just a normal part of my Second Life. I am an equal opportunity consumer and I flex that muscle… Read more →
While I listen to Sia’s new single The Greatest on repeat (so good), I am doing a short and sweet post. I am wearing three new appliers, all beautiful. My favorite is Glam Affair’s Viktoria, which is out today for FLF. I am guilty of acquiring way more than I have been blogging, but I have been itching to jump… Read more →
I was going through all the appliers in my inventory that I haven’t yet worn and was overwhelmed by the sheer number of them. Indicible beauté! These are all various Catwa appliers. Some are shown on the Jessica head and some on Gwen. I am liking Gwen more and more after only a lukewarm start; she is quite beautiful in… Read more →