Tag: Maitreya

Fresh start

Today I am making a fresh start. As the Northeast digs out from another snowstorm, I’m noticing the snow melting more quickly as temperatures rise and the sun stays out longer. I even have the window open in my living room as I type this. A much needed fresh start after a long week. I haven’t been blogging at all… Read more →

Glam Affair: You were missed

One noticeable absence for me at this year’s Skin Fair was Glam Affair. I have always looked forward to Ada’s special releases this time of year so if you’re jonesing for some perfect complexion Glam Affair goodness, unfortunately you won’t find it at Skin Fair. BUT… …You can find Glam Affair newness at Collabor88! I find it very hard to… Read more →

Different Strokes

Your eyes do not deceive you. Yes, I finally put on a Catwa head again :o. After some shape shifting, I finally found a look that I liked for today. Different strokes for different folks, as they say. I am working on my 2017 Year in Review post and as part of that, I inevitably take stock of everything that… Read more →

Modern Knit

I’m behind – OK, way behind – in planned blogging this week and don’t expect to free up much before next weekend. In the meantime, a quick one with an example of a “Modern Knit” that I really like. True, the high turtleneck can be a little awkward in certain poses but it’s so similar to something I wore and… Read more →

Styled with love

I have never been the color red’s biggest fan. IRL, I rarely wear it, other than accents and accessories. But then there are days like today where red is the only thing that felt right. You might say I’ve been styled with love. Styled with love I have been wanting to try this newish group gift from Maitreya. I love… Read more →

The List of What Was…

What a difference a year makes! Another year nearly came and went without the list of what was, but luckily I made it just in the nick of time. Here’s my short, opinionated take on things I loved and things I could do without in the New Year Some of my most favorite things from 2016 in SL Milan appliers… Read more →

Hello, Holidays

This week kicks off another year of making merry, beginning here in the US with Thanksgiving tomorrow. I am already working on my holiday wardrobe IRL and noting how much easier it is in SL! I am wearing a new applier by Milan for fiore, shown on three different head shapes. I will just say that Milan has quickly become… Read more →

Beautiful Escape

Thank you Second Life, for you are my beautiful escape and one that I need so much right now. I am done with US Politics for the foreseeable future. So thank you, Second Life and all our amazing creators, for helping me lay low happily in this, the most beautiful of my two closets. #ForeverBlue xoxo Read more →

Elaborate Embellishments: A Bag Worth Buying

I can remember a time when I didn’t put a lot of thought into using bags for my blogs in Second Life. This was back in the days long before mesh, hell, before anything other than carrying what were essentially shoe boxes on your arm. No really. It’s so nice to be able to not just blog, but regularly actually… Read more →

A Harmony of Hues

Vibrant pinks and the palest blushes play happily together in this little ensemble of dresses, available from various events around Second Life. If you follow me regularly, you know that I don’t do many shorter, flouncy dresses, but I do some. I couldn’t resist the harmony of hues here, and of course I am particularly fond of the criss-cross spring… Read more →

Let It Spring

I just learned that Boston is expecting a foot of snow on Sunday. LOL. So yeah, I decided to focus on Spring colors today. Please, let it Spring (instead of snow)! Thank you in advance. I am still quite obsessed with the new Lien applier from Bold & Beauty available at Skin Fair. I mean I haven’t really taken it… Read more →

I don’t hate Valentines Day

I don’t hate Valentine’s Day. It’s a great day to love yourself and feel beautiful, regardless of relationship status. Wear pink or red, or don’t. Better yet, do whatever makes you happy on whatever day you want! Enjoy your Valentine’s but more importantly, enjoy your day! xoxo Read more →


These new hairs from around the grid inspired my styles today. From tailored and casual to slightly ethereal, I just let my hairs dictate the fashion. I was particularly excited that Entwined is back at Shiny Shabby. One of my most recommended hair creators, and I *always* notice when one of those takes a break. Now, I am only missing… Read more →

Like Beauty, Style is Subjective

If you follow my blog, you know I love a deep navy blue. I pretty much live in this color, especially in fall and winter. I feel like it’s my spirit color actually 😉 I get a fair number of comments and notecards that people sometimes find my style “boring” or “too conservative,” especially when it comes to colors. I… Read more →

Beige Isn’t Boring

Beige isn’t boring to me. Not IRL and not in SL, where sometimes subtle colors or designs go overlooked. It’s a staple that can be worn in any season, except maybe the Christmas holidays? Even then…I might still wear it as a winter almost white 🙂 I would just like to say that I especially covet the skirt from OVH… Read more →