DeuxLooks comes out bare-faced with a new BoM skin from DeeTalez, a popular digital creator in Second Life. Read more →

DeuxLooks comes out bare-faced with a new BoM skin from DeeTalez, a popular digital creator in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks tries to just act natural as she slinks away for another week or so. Read more →
DeuxLooks admits to being mostly off duty in SL and IRL and her style proves it. Read more →
The heatwave is on! Last week I was in London as it was teetering on the edge of a heatwave. I left Friday before it arrived in earnest. Today, I’m back home in Boston as we enter our own heat event – the week of July 4, of course. As a result, I am scantily clad in SL (and IRL).… Read more →
I am sick (in May!) so I am feverish and completely forgot that C88 opened today (yesterday by the time I post this). I did check out the inventory though, and I am happy to say that most of what I am interested in are skins and accessories. I have SO MANY great things to blog (including this fresh peach… Read more →