DeuxLooks puts together a easy Sunday shopping look as summer wanes and something shifts requiring layers in Second Life and IRL. Read more →

DeuxLooks puts together a easy Sunday shopping look as summer wanes and something shifts requiring layers in Second Life and IRL. Read more →
DeuxLooks gets ready for a boozy brunch while visiting new round and new events in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks tries to stay up to date in a sea of Second Life events, but leaves several events unattended unknowingly! Read more →
I could not be more in love with this whole eclectic mix. When I saw the hair/hat combo from Entwined, I knew I needed it – because I wanted to wear it with a shabby-ish dress, tights and tall boots (a look I would wear IRL if I could pull it off). Happily, Shiny Shabby supplied both the dress and… Read more →
DeuxLooks gets her shop on in Second Life when she should be Christmas shopping for friends and family IRL! Read more →
In case I don’t get back to the computer tomorrow, here’s my long weekend look to love. It’s Memorial Day weekend in the US and I plan to enjoy some time at the beach with family. Monday is a bonus day off! The items in my post that are new all happen to be accessories – hair, nails, eyeliner and… Read more →
As I mentioned last time, I’m over winter. Over. It. I mostly need it to be over IRL so I’m prepping my springtime palette and girlllllll, it’s so pretty. Peachy, fresh and light, I’m very into this flowey peasant top and lightweight jacket casually draped over the shoulders. I’m also very into Papaya – the new skin from OVH &… Read more →
Don’t call it a duck face. It’s my serious face. Seriously interesting and beautiful in a young, quirky way. This is is Rebel from LAQ and I liked it immediately but I was slow to wear it because I needed a skin I really liked to go with the shape that I have now grown rather attached to. It’s actually… Read more →
I put together a casual winter look made up of some simple, but standout separates. We had our first snow in Boston this weekend, so it seemed apropos to dress with that in mind. Incidentally, the very first snow I saw this season was in Austin last week. Yes, Texas y’all. It never snows there! WTF? I actually got stuck… Read more →
Is it too early for a fresh winter whites look? OK, let’s call it Pre-winter then? Call it anything – I am so smitten. And you know, I am not a gowny girl. But I am a hopeless romantic and this just does the trick. I used the word “smitten” intentionally. If you’re a regular reader, then you know that’s… Read more →
I’m behind – OK, way behind – in planned blogging this week and don’t expect to free up much before next weekend. In the meantime, a quick one with an example of a “Modern Knit” that I really like. True, the high turtleneck can be a little awkward in certain poses but it’s so similar to something I wore and… Read more →
I am going to start and end today’s entry with just a very few words: You do you. Don’t ever compromise your core to please anyone else. I was inspired so much by everything that I am wearing. I hadn’t even planned to blog again before the weekend. But for once, I am going to let the items and simple… Read more →
With some extra time after my trip, I used some of it to revisit and reorganize my inventory. It felt good! I worked through previous Luxe Boxes and sorted all that inventory into its proper place. Until now, I had been sorting each Box by month – but I realized, “I haven’t worn even half this stuff!” A virtual treasure… Read more →
I met my match with this new skin applier from The Skinnery. I’m wearing Alix in the new Sorbet tone, which also means new Maitreya body appliers are available too. I love the “tummy” option on the new body appliers (each one is sold individually). Keep in mind, you can still use your old body appliers on previous skin tones… Read more →
I’ve had a little change of heart re: subscription boxes. Well sort of and sometimes. Let me explain. I don’t really subscribe in general to subscription boxes in SL. I have tried Luxe Box (fun to unbox; some great content; good price) and now I have tried Powder Pack (for LeLutka only). I have also spent a lot of time… Read more →