
Fall seems like the perfect time to wear a pretty butterscotch dress. You know I’m not generally into short, flouncy type “cuts” in SL because they’re typically a dime a dozen, literally. But this one made me happy and I love the detail on the pretty “fabric” with a lovely, natural sheen. This is Eliza, new Omega-based skin from LAQ.… Read more →

Down home country

I am about 1-2 weeks behind in SL. Behind in blogging, behind in sorting, behind in answering IMs! But you know how that goes. I finally had time to take snaps of the outfit I’ve been wearing the last few days when I do have time to log in. It’s very “down home country.” I’m into it. This Belleza skin… Read more →

Maximum Impact

I’m keeping my look mostly minimalist today for maximum impact. I was particularly taken with this skin from Moccino Beaute for Lelutka heads. The subtle freckles and fresh complexion won me over. I almost didn’t demo because tbh, the ad photo was some sort of morph (I think?) and looked nothing like what I ended up purchasing. Just goes to… Read more →

Accessory Update

My rich chocolate accessories really led this look, perfect for a fall Saturday. IRL, I have been doing a lot of long skirts with booties, so recreating it – somewhat – in SL, was very satisfying. This whole ensemble would not have been possible without the delicate Tee from Canimal. I mean, talk about a perfect tucked top. It’s so… Read more →

LAQ Ofelia

As long as LAQ keeps making skins with strong eyebrows, I’ll keep wearing and loving them (mostly on my Rebel head). This is Ofelia, a new Omega-based skin for LAQ heads. All tones (eyebrow and no eyebrow versions) are $990L as a full pack. You can’t buy single tones separately, but considering you get all of them for the price… Read more →


I know, I normally blog with a plain, neutral background. I’m not a particularly talented photographer/editor so it’s always better for me to show the clothes/skins/hairs with a blank canvas. After all, I am not the product. Today though, I ventured off my blogging platform and down onto my actual land in Second Life. Although I do not “live” a… Read more →

I’m still here

Welcome to the weekend. I’m still here. Still shopping, still blogging. It may be harder for me to put together the looks I favor because my aesthetic isn’t always in line with what the masses buy in Second Life, but I cherish all the styles that do from all the creators who make them. So here’s a favorite Friday look,… Read more →

The October Edit

This is the October Edit. Welcome to Autumn, in earnest! I really wanted to wear a fall trench coat with this perfect new hair by Elikatira, which I absolutely LOVE (and ps, it has style options too!). Sadly, I couldn’t find anything that fit the coat bill. In fact, nothing came remotely close to an actual trench at all. I… Read more →

Hello there

Well hello there. I am back from London – but with a very nasty flu. To remedy? Well of course, I put on a laced body suit and heels in Second Life. It seemed like that best thing to do given the circumstances. I’ll note that this bodysuit actually fits my Isis body and so wearing this new skin applier… Read more →

Hair Fair 2018: Ten for Ten

I hope by now you’re knee-deep in demos and are on your second or third loop through the 4 sims for Hair Fair 2018. Meni, creator for ASO! fixed the problem that prevented me from blogging this as one of my top ten hairs for Hair Fair. Isn’t it perfect? It’s probably my most favorite hair of all from this… Read more →

Hair Fair 2018: DeuxLooks Top Ten

You all are going to go absolutely crazytown at Hair Fair 2018. I feel like it’s the best event of the year (nice job Sasy and team!) – so well run, so well laid out, thoughtfully managed – and the best part, Hair Fair supports kids who are fighting the most evil diseases. Go crazy at Hair Fair 2018 for… Read more →

Hair Fair 2018: Do the demo

You’re all aware that Hair Fair starts THIS WEEKEND. And, with all the releases, you’re going to want to schedule a significant chunk of time to demo before you buy. Like last year, Hair Fair organizers are opening an in-world group for members to receive ALL demos one full day in advance – so when the sims open to the… Read more →

Too soon?

Too soon? Maybe. But I couldn’t risk not blogging asap, as who knows how buried these pieces would get in a few weeks when actual autumn arrives and my folders have become even more unmanageable. TBH, I have been avoiding an inventory intervention and I should probably do that before Hair Fair blows everything up. Emery, it’s been a while… Read more →

Giddyup! Hair Fair is around the corner

Giddyup! I’m FINALLY feeling the fashion again. I have a lot to blog and not a lot of time to dedicate to it. But regardless, I love everything I’m wearing here. I did consider pairing this shirtdress with tall boots but I’ll wait until we’re a little deeper into autumn in earnest. I am going to London in a couple… Read more →

Editorial: Unfinished

Do you recognize this skin? If you’re a fan of LeLutka heads, you probably do. You might even own it if you attended Skin Fair earlier this year. If you’re a regular reader, you might also know that it’s one of my (top three easily) favorite skin appliers in my entire inventory. That’s one out of a wholeeee lot. Of.… Read more →