White Hot

I need to be especially brief this morning. Despite every intention to spend more time here this weekend, I was in and out like a white hot flash. I focused today’s look on this long, white coat – which is very friendly to mix \0/ – from Belle Epoque @Collabor88. The dress and accessories are all navy (ofc) and once… Read more →

Ready, Set, Shop

I spent the week in London for work and halfway through my Sunday night flight I realized, “HOLY F, I LEFT MY MAKEUP AT HOME!!!!” Not just like, a lipstick here or there, but my primer, foundation, setting powder, bronzer, concealer. You know, the most important stuff! I landed, went right to my hotel and napped for a couple of… Read more →

Winter Shorts

These are my winter shorts. Yes, that’s a thing. For me, anyway. They’re super cute and can be fatpacked \0/ by fashionably dead @Uber. The rest of my sporty, fully accessorized by Bauhaus Movement (which recently reopened in a new location) look, flowed from those sweet winter shorts. Incidentally, I completed a MASSIVE LeLutka head applier declutter this weekend. It… Read more →


I had this post all ready to go on Thanksgiving morning and then didn’t have time to post before I had to skedaddle. By the time I arrived back in Boston and went to upload, I decided to take advantage of various Black Friday sales and then had to retake all of the photos because I picked up the new… Read more →

LeLutka Bento Heads Update: Hit or Miss?

When I saw updates had been made to just about everything on my beloved LeLutka Bento heads, I was worried. As it happens, I was right to be. The new HUD is missing one of my most used features: the eyebrows! What? That means that you can no longer add those specific, gorgeous, bushy, natural brows onto skin appliers you’re… Read more →

Thigh high know how

Try as I might, I have not found as versatile a pair of thigh high boots in Second Life as these from the original shoe/boot specialist, Maitreya. For those of you who don’t know, before dominating hair and then later, mesh bodies, Onyx built the early Maitreya brand name on heels and boots – still some of the absolute best… Read more →