lemon slingback

I love these lemon slingbacks. They’re from my crack dealer favorite shoemaker in Second Life. Incidentally, I realized that the first shoes I went hyperbolic about from NeutralTones are actually inspired by Prada (which I now own IRL). I believe, this the first time SL influenced an actual RL purchase for me. Now, these spring slingbacks look a lot like a pair (but in pink) I just ordered that will arrive in September. I need to stop this. SL is one thing. IRL is quite another.

As a result, I’m off to do RL work to pay for all my shoes!


lemon slingback

  • Head: LeLutka Inez
  • Eyes: AG
  • BoM Skin: B&B :: Taylor
  • Hair: WINGS-ES0326
  • Earrings: (Yummy) Jamie Earring Collection
  • Necklace: (Yummy) Zodiac Charm Libra **@Warehouse Sale**
  • Ring: Orsini Jewelry ODYLE ring
  • Bracelets: MICHAN – Amandine
  • Blouse: (fd) Quirky Top
  • Skirt: DAMI ‘AIR OUTFIT’ *skirt10
  • Heels/Socks: $NT Such a Square
  • Clutch: LaGyo_Ida Clutch – Amber