My first picks from the Hair Fair preview are by RAON Hair and headband from MIURA. Both of these brands are completely new to me and are major standouts at this year’s Hair Fair, benefiting Wigs4Kids.

There’s actually an even prettier (!!!!) bun/hairbase combo from RAON that will be available tomorrow for the event opening, but Clair Starlight was still setting up her storefront when I visited. The style I am currently wearing is Pilar and the one I can’t wait for is Cecile. Wait until you see and try!

My whole outfit (sans heels) is pretty simple. All the drama is from the neck up!

I have to make a quick trip down the beach to drop off my BFF (my dog) at my parents’ house before a business trip this whole upcoming week. Hope to be back to do more Hair Fair before I leave!

HF22 Preview
- Head: LeLutka
- Hairbase: RAON Hair // Pilar Hairbase (EvoX) Crystal Blonde **@Hair Fair**
- Bun: RAON Hair // Pilar Bun **@Hair Fair**
- Headband: MIURA – Estefania **@Hair Fair**
- Choker: VALENA – Chainy Necklace (Gold)
- Earrings: [POM] Blaith Pearl
- Dress: N-Uno – Ingrid Dress // A 3 // Legacy Perky
- Bag:[LIZ] Le Lion purse{Beige}