As you know, I shop and style a lot in SL. I regularly try lots of “new to me” brands, sometimes yielding mixed results. Not everything can be a winner. But you know the saying, “fool me once…shame on you. fool me twice…shame on me”? For me, it’s positively habitual – despite every warning sign that says I will regret it – to buy it anyway. I guess I buy all the things so you don’t have to?

For example, this necklace, which had no demo – and I just *knew* was going to be a disaster but I wanted to try it anyway. I forked over a stupid amount of L$s for the “MEGA fatpack” because duh, I needed gold and silver, only to discover that it’s unwearable unless you like to stand in T pose all the time. It doesn’t move with the avatar skeleton at all; even after attaching it to my avatar’s skull as indicated on the notecard. Turn your AO on and enjoy a game of WTF. I bought it so you don’t have to!

Then there’s this very pretty hair. It reminds me of a Truth hair I already have (and the old Truth multi-tone textures too come to think of it), but I definitely needed this in my SLife. I soon discovered bizarrely inflated packaging/pricing options on this pretty updo so naturally, I decided to buy it *roll eyes*. Specifically, I could get the basic pack for $400L with limited colors and no style options; the Deluxe Pack (my eventual choice) for $700L for some additional multi-tonal colors and 4 minimally different style options; or the Fatpack for $1000L with added earrings and sunglasses, and four additional styles.
There is absolutely nothing mechanically wrong with this hair. You can see, it’s lovely. But for me, $1000L for what amounts to earrings and sunglasses that I didn’t like and would never wear didn’t make shopping sense. With all that said, I really only liked the “Fatpack” style options, so in the end, I should have just bought the $1000L one or nothing at all, and called it a day. But that would have made too much sense.
Luckily this look is also full of things I absolutely adore and are well worth it too. I mean, this bag from (NO) alone makes me all kinds of happy. Same with these new kicks from a new-to-me creator, Veilance (which worked out just fine)! How can you not love pink and yellow together? Also new: lashes from Cheap Makeup and skin from Glam Affair. Definitely not a single “fool me” situation in any of that bunch.

Fool Me Twice
- Head: LeLutka
- BoM Skin: [Glam Affair] Proud **@The Fifty**
- Lashes: Cheap Makeup **new**
- Earrings: NovxChalo-Maria Diamond Heart Earrings **@Level**
- Necklace: NovxChalo-Maria Diamond Heart Necklace **@Level**
- Hair: S-CLUB RINA hairstyle – 030622 DELUXE **@Anthem**
- Tank: Stories&Co. Vintage Mitch Tank Top
- Trousers: [DAMI] Back To Basic *C6
- Kicks: Veilance: Aiden Sneakers – Pink **@Anthem**
- Bag: (NO) Belinda Bag **@Anthem**
- Rings: (Yummy) Sweetheart Rings
- Drink: MVT – Summer drink **@Anthem**
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