This isn’t a new sweater but it’s definitely the coziest cutout in my inventory. We are in full sweater-weather here in Boston. It’s cold but bright. Almost holiday-ish. I can’t resist a good inventory dive and a simple monochrome style so this look hit just the right spot. IRL, I’m heading down to the beach for the Thanksgiving week in just a few hours. You’ll have to roll me back to Boston in elastic waistband pants!
I’m also wearing the new Inez skin from Glam Affair, complementing the new EvoX head from LeLutka. When you step away from the gorgeous creaminess of GA skins for a little bit and then come back, you realize just how beautifully crafted they really are.
Have a great week – and Thanksgiving if you celebrate!

Head: lel EvoX INEZ 3.1
BoM Skin: [Glam Affair] Inez **@Kustom9**
Beret/Hair: tram K1108 hair **@C88**
Sweater: vive nine :. Charlie Knit Cut-Out
Trousers: BTTB handig pants – beige **@Kustom9**
Bag: ryvolter :. Loca Love Bag
Rings: Orsini and Yummy
Heels: [BREATHE]-Shioko Heels **@C88**
Nails: (NO) Art Nails – Almond – Summer 2 Fall