I’m back from Thanksgiving. And to top it off, I’m wearing pioneer-inspired fashion, totally un-ironically btw. I found this dress at Tannenbaum, and had to have it – probably because it’s the literal antithesis of 99% of SL fashion releases. But really, it’s well done, except that it doesn’t come in a Maitreya Petite fit. Their very small main store is really well-done too. I appreciate this kind of artistry in SL. There’s too little of it in fashion, IMO.
I’m also wearing a BoM skin by alaskametro for LeLutka EvoX. I headed over to her main shop to pick up some makeups that now have a EvoX option – like these red lips – and found Estrella. However, the alaskametro bodyskin situation takes too much brainpower. I literally cannot with all the different combinations you have to use now to figure out what to wear to make a skin match your head if you use BoM for your mesh body and LeLutka EvoX for your head. In the end, I gave up and put on something “close enough.” That could stand to be simplified for simple minds like mine.
EDITING TO ADD: It turns out Maitreya updated to 5.3, which gives you a seamless fit at the neck again. This removes a lot of the nonsense bodyskins and greatly simplifies the approach I bitch about here. Totally 100% my user error…until I figured out there was an update body!
Lastly, I did check out a couple Black Friday sales but the best one by FAR is LeLutka’s. 50% off all heads??? Are you kidding me?? Pick up any you have been on the fence about! I picked up Gaia and might head back for Ceylon too.

Head: lel EvoX INEZ 3.1
BoM Skin: alaskametro “Estrella” leL EvoX FACE – Tone 2 no brow
Brows: [theSkinnery] Bondi Brows – 1 brown
Moles: [West End] Emma – Face Moles – Type A
Lipstick: alaskametro “My Reds” lipstick – 01 X
Hair: Exile:: Yara **@Collabor88**
Earrings: (Yummy) Pave Heart Earrings – Gold
Rings: (Yummy)
Collar: ((LovelyAlien))PeterPanCollar_White
Dress/Blouse: L&Co Clothiers [The Charlotte] Pinafore Dress & Shirt Gray **@Tannenbaum**
Boots: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Celestine Boots
Nails: (NO) Art Nails – Almond – Summer 2 Fall