DeuxLooks reviews a new event in Second Life, called Soiree, produced by the same team as Collabor88, this blogger’s favorite event for quality of merchandise. Read more →

DeuxLooks reviews a new event in Second Life, called Soiree, produced by the same team as Collabor88, this blogger’s favorite event for quality of merchandise. Read more →
DeuxLooks celebrates the annual Awards Season wearing a blush pink tuxedo from Pixicat, a popular creator in Second Life Read more →
DeuxLooks reviews the new heads released from LeLutka – a premier bento mesh head creator in Second Life. Read more →
I need to be especially brief this morning. Despite every intention to spend more time here this weekend, I was in and out like a white hot flash. I focused today’s look on this long, white coat – which is very friendly to mix \0/ – from Belle Epoque @Collabor88. The dress and accessories are all navy (ofc) and once… Read more →
I have such a haul from this weekend to enjoy and much to blog. It started with FLF and ended with a preview of TLC, with a longer than usual stop @ Fameshed in between. It’s been a while since I just went all out and shopped up and down the grid. TBH, it’s been a while since I actually… Read more →
You’re all aware that Hair Fair starts THIS WEEKEND. And, with all the releases, you’re going to want to schedule a significant chunk of time to demo before you buy. Like last year, Hair Fair organizers are opening an in-world group for members to receive ALL demos one full day in advance – so when the sims open to the… Read more →
I always have to remind myself to take time out. Or take A time out. Or whatever the directive is to stop (collaborate…) and just be still. This week in Nashville reminded me to do that. It was heavenly honestly. I just returned from visiting my new horse for the first time (it’s a long story; he is a rescue).… Read more →
In case I don’t get back to the computer tomorrow, here’s my long weekend look to love. It’s Memorial Day weekend in the US and I plan to enjoy some time at the beach with family. Monday is a bonus day off! The items in my post that are new all happen to be accessories – hair, nails, eyeliner and… Read more →
One noticeable absence for me at this year’s Skin Fair was Glam Affair. I have always looked forward to Ada’s special releases this time of year so if you’re jonesing for some perfect complexion Glam Affair goodness, unfortunately you won’t find it at Skin Fair. BUT… …You can find Glam Affair newness at Collabor88! I find it very hard to… Read more →
I avoided the Valentine’s Day craziness \o/ . I did that intentionally. It’s decidedly not my thing. Much more my thing? Mixing red and peach. I know, it’s not an obvious pairing but check it…this coat from Pixicat is amazing. Swipe right —> xoxo Read more →
This is Diana, the second Bento mesh head launched from Vista. Diana is the second offering that I like, which means Vista is batting 1000 for me. Even better is the promotion Vista has running: if you purchased and upgraded your Lia head to version 3.0, you can get her for $1000. I mean, yes please! I feel like Vista… Read more →
Thanks, Uber creators, inspiration found. The list of my haul from Uber is long. And, the list is led by Rowne, which put out a beautiful sheer lace wrap dress and bralette/briefs combo that is exactly what I needed in my SL closet to wake up my inspiration senses. The only part of Uber that doesn’t make the list? The… Read more →
This “prairie style” look from sYs made me nostalgic for my old Gunne Sax dresses from early childhood (does anyone else remember those?). They were sort of a mix between Laura Ingalls and Laura Ashley, so this ensemble is a much more modern take on the easy, comfortable “prairie style.” But regardless of what you call it, can we agree… Read more →
It’s been so cool in the mornings that I’ve been wearing light sweaters every day until about lunch time. But I love it, in both lives! This great hat from SAGA came from a new (I think?) event, and I felt like it was a real diamond in the rough there. Super cute and it made me glad I checked… Read more →
I met my match with this new skin applier from The Skinnery. I’m wearing Alix in the new Sorbet tone, which also means new Maitreya body appliers are available too. I love the “tummy” option on the new body appliers (each one is sold individually). Keep in mind, you can still use your old body appliers on previous skin tones… Read more →