DeuxLooks continues to work through a hefty Skin Fair 2020 haul while blogging other bits and bobs from her collection Read more →

DeuxLooks continues to work through a hefty Skin Fair 2020 haul while blogging other bits and bobs from her collection Read more →
DeuxLooks wears winter white IRL and in Second Life. Read more →
I avoided the Valentine’s Day craziness \o/ . I did that intentionally. It’s decidedly not my thing. Much more my thing? Mixing red and peach. I know, it’s not an obvious pairing but check it…this coat from Pixicat is amazing. Swipe right —> xoxo Read more →
May I recommend you take a break from rushing around, TP’ing, clicking and unpacking hundred of items at a plethora of events? No? Well OK, but in your frenzy to acquire all the shinies, don’t miss what is one of the best releases I have seen in a while. And with a big gulp of fresh air, you can only… Read more →
Andddddddd I’m back. Back at it as they say. Admittedly, it didn’t take me long to slip back into “Simollian” (Simone + Gillian). But as fail as I felt about it at first – I lasted, what, 2 days? – I realized, it’s perfectly expected to be back where I feel most like me. Isn’t that the point? It’s hard… Read more →
Does anyone else follow Pantone’s “color of the year” ? They do such a good job of marketing but did you know they do this for seasons too? I happened to notice today as I was looking up paint colors, that one of my favorite colors – the one I normally refer to as “blush” – is actually “pale dogwood.”… Read more →
You may note that I have on the same hair as I did in my last blog. The reason? It’s love, actually. Thank you, Burley, for a hair that I wish to wear not just once, in one color, but in every color and variation on the styling HUD. Hallelujah! You’ll also note a new coat and sweatshirt/blouse option from… Read more →
Out of the Luxe Box and into my Second Life closet, helping me create looks that are both traditional and edgy; classic and sexy. This month I am trying out Luxe Box for the first time. I have to say that as suspected, I enjoyed the unboxing maybe even more than I will enjoy all the items included. That is… Read more →
Thank you Second Life, for you are my beautiful escape and one that I need so much right now. I am done with US Politics for the foreseeable future. So thank you, Second Life and all our amazing creators, for helping me lay low happily in this, the most beautiful of my two closets. #ForeverBlue xoxo Read more →
In general, I don’t often purchase mesh head appliers that are priced over ~$1,000L. Unless they come with options for tones, eyebrows, or makeups, there is very little reason to spend that much IMO. In fact, I have pretty much completely stopped supporting brands where I think the price is out of line with the rest of the market –… Read more →
To curate: to select, arrange and present. Curating pieces to bring together in my own unique way is my preferred way to express myself from a fashion perspective IRL and in SL. I really appreciate SL creators who offer separates that can be curated as we see fit. For those of you who have been around SL for a long… Read more →