DeuxLooks has a request for her favorite Second Life shopping site, Seraphim. She also has a new skirt. Read more →

DeuxLooks has a request for her favorite Second Life shopping site, Seraphim. She also has a new skirt. Read more →
DeuxLooks disappears in a time vortex and reemerges wearing a collagen mask IRL and new lace up mules in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks is in transition on the last day of August, the unofficial end to summer. Read more →
DeuxLooks tries on Trad Wife style and goes down an unfortunate rabbit hole. Read more →
DeuxLooks will need someone to make her take off this same skin she’s been blogging for days in Second Life. Read more →
Listening to “now that we don’t talk” on repeat. And before you ask, YES, I am obsessed with TS and TK <3 Read more →
DeuxLooks buys a hair twice at Second Life’s Hair Fair 2023 but that’s OK because it’s for the best cause. Read more →
DeuxLooks is inspired – once again – by Taylor Swift’s poetry and a song about a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Read more →
DeuxLooks wonders how body support decisions are made by creators in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks styles a casual, laid back look that might still pass as smart in Second Life. Plus, Hair Fair 2022 is announced! Read more →
Fall seems like the perfect time to wear a pretty butterscotch dress. You know I’m not generally into short, flouncy type “cuts” in SL because they’re typically a dime a dozen, literally. But this one made me happy and I love the detail on the pretty “fabric” with a lovely, natural sheen. This is Eliza, new Omega-based skin from LAQ.… Read more →
The first LAQ skin applier from The Skinnery is officially in my summer rotation now…and probably every other season tbh. Sofi’s eyebrows are perfection and eyebrows are probably the most important part of a new skin purchase for me (not to mention the most important part of my face IRL!). I wore this skin previously in toffee and today, this… Read more →
Today is unofficially “get away” day. That is, the Friday before our major July 4th holiday, when millions of Americans take to the roads and drive to various summer hot spots on the coasts to spend the week doing too much sunning and drinking. It’s a day for sucking it up and not complaining about the traffic. For me, it’s… Read more →
Let me start off with an apology. I’m sincerely sorry that I am not wearing the crazy beautiful curly hair that everyone else is! Apparently it won’t be available until tomorrow (5/15) but people have been camming in to Kustom9 to get it? *confused face* Anywayyyyyy, instead, I’m focused on my affection for this simple dress and how it’s not… Read more →
To wrap up my crappy week IRL, here’s a very casual Friday look. Comfortable, sporty and cute. I’m ready to toss the week’s stink off me and move into a happier weekend! I’m very into my new shorts and older kicks. In fact, I’m pretty into every single thing I’m wearing, including my new skin applier from a lesser known… Read more →