My Best of 2020

DeuxLooks - best of 2020

This year – and every year TBH – SL provided an important respite from the stresses of IRL. I am always down to play dress-up and I continue to find that SL allows me to be creative in ways that scratch an almost unreachable style itch. So here’s my “best of” the year list – SL style.

My Personal “Best of 2020” in SL Style
  • Maitreya Lara Petite was such a great launch for me. Finally, I can be the little wisp of an avatar that I prefer – and not have accompanying boobs that rival Halsey’s. I love the new Petite add-on and hope that more of my favorite creators will size for it in 2021. Hats off to COCO, Fleur and erratic for already doing so!
  • BoM everything! Last year, I had only just discovered how to utilize BoM and I primarily used it for rediscovering old skins on new heads. This year, I learned how to use BoM elsewhere and hope to get better at it in the new year.
  • My lack of instant love (so far) for the newer line of LeLutka Evo heads is well-documented. However, I absolutely LOVE the new Evolution eyebrows that are exclusive to that line. I have only just begun to play but with a few more customization options (shape/color), I will fully-retire my classic heads. Maybe.
  • Another feature exclusive to the Evo line is HD makeup. I heart, big time. HD makeup + big, beautiful brows = my sincere desire to fall in love with an Evo head!
  • The good news is I DO very much enjoy my LeLutka Nova head because I found a BoM skin that I absolutely adore. Babe from Egozy is a look I could wear day in and day out. In fact, I love it so much, I went back for a second tone a month or so after I bought it and then went in for the full fatpack just this month, which set me back almost $8k!! I almost never do that with skins anymore.
  • On the other end of my avatar, I am currently decluttering my shoe collection in SL (not IRL – omg!) and I find my favorite footwear in almost every category comes from [Gos].
  • I really enjoyed using backdrops and props from Minimal, in addition to my usual stark white backgrounds. The creator that used to supply a lot of my jewelry is now tops when it comes to considering a background for the styles on DeuxLooks.
  • And finally, my main “bests” for 2020 continue to be shopping my own stash of SL treasures that I collect and organize for reuse across years (and in some cases, decades). It’s a lot easier to over-accessorize when you have thousands of treasures tucked away to choose from. I’m glad I have gotten better at collecting only the pieces that stand the test of time.

With that, I wish you a healthy, happy New Year in SL and your IRL. May 2021 bring us all a chance to exhale and be hopeful!
