It’s been a minute since I have liked – let alone loved – a skin applier by DeeTaleZ. But this new applier for LeLutka heads (line 2 – including Korina) is one of the most appealing I have found since I started wearing Korina post Skin Fair. You can find it at the DeeTaleZ main store – not an event! That in itself is so rare.
I have to really like an applier to recommend it to readers when it’s more expensive than the rest of the market. The price for this skin is ~$1200L, or about 300L more than most quality appliers. It does come with a shape (which I don’t use) and a few basic eyeliners, plus a tintable lip gloss layer. Pretty basic – but the actual skin is just perfect for my shape and is undoubtedly one of my absolute favorites of all time. Seriously. I highly recommend a demo!