Happiest New Year! Instead of doing a “worst of” or “best of” list, I decided to focus on my absolute favorite thing from all of 2019 in SL Beauty. It turns out, everything old is new again.
With BoM, everything old is new again
In the lead photo, I am wearing a very old Glam Affair system skin. Do you remember the amazing makeups that used to be the norm on each of Aida’s skins? There was a real reason to buy an entire tone or even all tone fatpack – because every single makeup was so different.
For example, below is an entire tone (Asia) of Glam Affair Eles on my Korina mesh head. The only adjustment I made was wearing a nose fix tattoo, courtesy of Izzie’s. I mean, wow, I really miss variety like this. It made buying skins an adventure and almost a privilege, if that makes sense. These makeups are everything. Again.
Entire tone of Glam Affair system skin
I know there are plenty who aren’t into BoM and are very happy with their current applier system. I get it! It took me months to finally get on board too. But now, I wish I had all my old Celestial Studio Vogue skins and so many others. I feel almost ZERO need to buy appliers while I have hundreds (seriously) of skins and makeups to use again that I used to live for.
Are the skins all perfect on my LeLutka heads? No, of course not. But I have to tell you how much more fun it is for me to rediscover a virtual treasure trove of content that I saved, than to just blindly stay on the never ending assembly line that is SL event shopping.
- Head: .LeLutka.Head.Korina 3.4
- Skin: -Glam Affair – Katra skin [Miami Lights ] America [system skin]
- Nose fix: Izzie’s – LeLutka – BOM Nose Fix 08
- Hair/Scarf: Tableau Vivant \ Scarfhair – Browns *@Kustom9*
- Skin 2: Glam Affair Eles (Asia) [system skin] – 9 makeups
- Hair: Truth Oasis