Editorial: Up to date

DeuxLooks - up to date

With the deluge of events in Second Life, I rely on Flickr and sometimes the SL Inventory FB page to help me make my “to visit” lists for things that catch my eye. I always (always) go to Seraphim to see the full inventory at an event before I decide if I am going to go. If it doesn’t exist on Seraphim, it rarely hits my radar. I travel a lot IRL so if it wasn’t for Seraphim, I wouldn’t be as organized about my shopping and blogging.

DeuxLooks - up to date

Keeping up to date

Recently I came back from a trip and was looking to do a quick, efficient catch-up on SL fashion. I vaguely remembered seeing something made for the Epiphany from a creator I follow on Flickr so I headed over to Seraphim to see when the event was open and what else was there. To my surprise, I didn’t find a catalog of this round of the Epiphany at all. I would never have even known the event was happening were it not for the vague recollection that I had seen something that was going to be released at the event.

So after finding out – simply by TPing there – that there in fact was a new round, I am so glad I took the time. Most especially for this gorgeous necklace by Minimal. I mean, hello lover. Also loving these pretty LeLutka lipsticks from Warpaint. I picked up several sets with a quick spin of the gacha wheel.

The moral of the story

I rely on Seraphim’s timely and in-depth coverage of events that exist in SL. If they aren’t covered, they mostly don’t register for me. I noticed that Fameshed is no longer covered but that event is ingrained in my mind as opening on the first of every month and generally has quality items so I still make sure I visit.

That said, I have to believe that lack of coverage hurts any event’s performance. If I were running an event, I would definitely prioritize getting covered on Seraphim above all else.


ps – yes, I managed to find a way to wear it. It was a personal challenge!