I have mentioned several times – ok, numerous obsessive times – how important eyebrows are to me. In both lives. In SL, I won’t even demo a skin unless I like the look of the brows in the ad – even if it comes with a no-brow version! This new BoM skin from Lowen has lovely warm, but still dark, brows that are super pretty to me. I’m also wearing blush and lip gloss from Glam Affair to warm up the whole skin.
Speaking of Glam Affair, I noticed Aida put out a selection of HD brows for LeLutka at TLC (which I haven’t visited in absolute ages). Naturally, I went to check them out. Each brow style pack is pretty pricey, but perhaps a staple if you need more variety than the HD options built into your LeLutka HUD, which are great but limited in color. I usually wear a dark brown brow like below, but each of the packs come with multiple colors.

I can definitely see wearing these regularly if I can remember where I file them in my cavernous skins/accessory folders. Incidentally, I am seriously thinking of deleting ALL my skin appliers now. It pains me to think of how much $$$$ I spent on things that are now obsolete, but technology in SL has changed so much that it perhaps it’s time. Unless…all of a sudden old appliers become the thing again, like system skins and tattoo layers have? Probably not. Right? Right?
- Head: LeLutka
- BoM Skin: LOWEN Beauty – Feanne *@Kustom9*
- Blush, Gloss: Glam Affair
- Hair: Foxy – Awake *@Kustom9*
- Earrings/Necklace: LaGyo_Tegan set
- Top: fleur. sierra top. off white
- Trousers/Boots: dami. surf gacha .*RARE02